◄ Chapter 28 ► I Don't Love You

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◄ Chapter 28 ► I Don't Love You

It wasn't until weeks later did I actually heard from Derek. He texted me saying he was sorry and by then I was so far past it that I chose to forgive him. This time we were serious about being friends but we haven't hung out or vocally talked to each other since that day. Instead of calling me his normal nicknames when we talked he called me you so I called him you back. Usually our texts went like this.

Him: hey you.

Me: hey you.

Him: what are you doing.

Me: nothing you?

Him: same. Well I have to go, talk to you later.

We had resulted to basic texting. It actually broke my heart because I began to miss what we used to be.

Today he actually texted me wanting to hang out and I was all for it the only problem was that my mom wanted to take me and Destiny to the beach and had been planning it for a few days.

Sorry I can't at the beach, you're welcomed to join if you'd like. -M

Alex and I went on a few dates after our first. Eventually I had to stop avoiding the topic of kissing him and when we finally did the crush I thought I had died. Kissing him was bland and killed every single butterfly living in my stomach. After our first kiss we had more and more hoping that it'd get better. It never did. So eventually we stopped "seeing" each other and just stayed friends. We never got passed the whole dating part and become boyfriend and girlfriend. I was actually glad, I wasn't ready to jump back onto the dating horse just yet.

"Monica are you done yet!" Destiny groans from outside the changing station.

Before replying back to her I checked my messages.

Thanks but no thanks, I need to finally work on my car. Swing by afterwards? -D

I laugh and typed my reply.

Sure as long as you don't mind me smelling like salt water -M

I won't. -D

I shut my phone off and stuffed it in my tote bag. Once my hair was pulled into a high ponytail I walked out of the station with my bag on my shoulder.

"Took you long enough." She grumbled, crossing her arms.

I smiled at my best friend. She had dyed her hair black and cut it so that it was shoulder length. It looked nice on her and I liked it better than when it was down her black. I had decided to keep the blue highlights seeming it looked better than just plain blonde.

We both decided to start a new chapter in our lives seeming we'd be off to college in a month. The past few weeks we spent more times together and she made it a priority of hers to make sure I didn't feel like a third wheel around her and Ethan. Because of this we've become closer and we couldn't of been happier.

"Sorry I was to busy admiring my stomach." I tease and she rolls her eyes.

Recently I've loss some weight. It might've had something to do with the fact I wanted to keep myself busy. So I went to the gym, ran in the mornings-when I felt like getting up early or couldn't sleep-and started eating healthier. Cheerleading also held a great measure in it all as well. Destiny says I have a tendency to stare at my stomach whenever I'm changing but. Don't think I do.

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