◄ Chapter 8 ►Father/Daughter Day Failed

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◄ Chapter 8 ► Father/Daughter Day Failed

This was so not fun. If he asked me see this is fun right? one more time in going to rip his coffee brown hair right out of his skull. I swear i'd rather be laying in bed, staring at my bland ceiling, then all day down here.

"See this is fun right?" He asks nervously while scratching his cheek.

"Dad!" I groan looking over at him.

He looks at me with wide eyes. He looked shocked that I complained for the first time today.

"I know you're trying, I can see it. Just don't ask me if this is fun. I'm not six I don't play with PlayDoh anymore." I say while rolling the clay into a log.

His face looked slightly disappointed and I felt a twang of guilt in the pit of my stomach.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to upset you. It's just you chose the wrong time to be a dad." I squeeze the red log between my fingers.

"I know." He sighs. "It's just when you said you had a boyfriend, it...it hurt. I realized just how much of your life I've missed." He confesses. "I just don't know how to be a dad exactly."

"First thing first," I say while putting the play doh back. "realize I'm seventeen not seven." I state closing the lid.

"Ok." He nods his eyes while slowly taking in all my features.

I look away as he does so because being checked out by your father isn't the most comfortable thing in the world.

"Secondly, when I say I don't want to go somewhere I probably do just not where you offered to go. Try seeing where I want to go for once." I say while cleaning up the newspapers he laid out moments before we started messing with the clay.

"Ask where you want to go got it." He nods his head.

"Sometimes when I say I don't want to talk about something I actually mean it, but you should still try to talk to me." I stand up from the floor and his eyes follow me.

"Communication, ok what's next."

"Umm," I tap my finger against my cheek and do a little shake as I thought about the next rule to being a father. "Don't try and control my love life, or my social life." I put emphasis on love life.

"That was a misunderstanding." He pulls himself up from the floor and I roll my eyes.

"I heard you and mom arguing dad." I state walking into the kitchen.

"You weren't supposed to." He sighs.

"It's kind of hard not to." My words hang in the air as a silence falls over us.

"No butting, got it." He says softly and I toss my ball of newspaper in the recycling bin.

"Lastly, I will love you no matter what. I may say I hate you, but I don't mean it." I turn back around and face it.

A sad smile touches his lips and I swore I saw a fresh film of tears in his eyes, he quickly blinked them away before they even got the chance to fall.

"Love no matter what." He wiped his eyes and his voice sound broken.

"Dad you ok?" I step closer to him and place my hand on his arm.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. You just remind me of someone that's all." He sniffs and a single tear strolls down his face.

I do something I never thought i'd do. I slip my arms around my father and rest my head on his chest hugging him. He takes a few seconds to hug me back but when he does, he pulls me closer to him and rest his chin on my head.

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