◄ Chapter 10 ► Mechanics, Best Friends And Sluts

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◄ Chapter 10 ► Mechanics, Best Friends And Sluts

I went home with Derek. I was leaving today anyway so I just saved time, money and gas on my dad's part. He wasn't so thrilled about me riding a motorcycle again but I told him i'd call letting him know I was safe. So I was doing just that as Derek struggled with opening the door.

"Dad?" I say in a soft voice.

"Monica?" He says in a hurry.

"Dad," I coughed. "I'm hurt, I'm hurt really bad." My voice because weak and sounds like I'm crying. "I'm cold daddy." I try not I laugh.

"Oh god! I knew I shouldn't have let you go!" He exclaims. "Monica sweetie, just stay on the phone ok, listen to daddy, I'm going to get help." He coos and I couldn't hold it anymore

I burst out into laughter and I could hear his frown forming. Derek finally got the door open and he let out a whoop of joy.

"Dad I'm fine, I have to go though. Love you bye." I hung up and shoved my phone into my back pocket.

I turned around to see Derek holding the door open.

"After you m'lady." He says in a horrible accent and I arch my brow.

I leave it alone and enter the house. I look around the foyer and held my breath. I felt as if the air was sacred here and my breathing would taint it. Everything here looked breakable and I felt as if I shouldn't be here. Yes I was here before but I never took the time to really absorb how beautiful everything was.

"My mom used to be an interior designer, everything she picked out herself. She spent months on it." He says placing his hand on my lower back. "So Juana says." He shrugs and walks me to the stair case.

"What happened to your mom?" I ask looking over at him. "You speak ill of her so much."

His jaw clenches and I swore I saw steam come out his nose.

"Lets just say she fails at being a mother and leave it at that." He directs me towards his room.

When we open it Juana was there cleaning. It looked better than when we had cleaned it.

"Mono!" She says in surprise. "I didn't expect you back so soon." She blushes. Her eyes sweep over to me and her whole face lights up. "Bonita!" She exclaims throwing her hands up.

From my slim knowledge of Spanish I knew that she had just called me beautiful.

"I was wondering when you come over again." She smiles, clasping her hands together. She walks up to us and reaches for Derek's face. "ustedes dos son tan lindos juntos." As she speaks she pinches cheeks and he groans.

She then leaves without explaining what she had said.

"What did she say?" I turn towards Derek as he started pulling his shirt over his head.

"Just that we look cute together." He shrugs and unbuckles his pants.

I sit on the bed as he pulls a white tank top and some black jeans out from the drawers.

"I'm going to take a quick shower, don't miss me too much." He starts walking towards his en suite.

"Maybe I can breathe again once your over sized ego is gone." I tease and he laughs.

"Finally somebody notices it." He waits until I laugh to slip into the bathroom.

A few minutes after the shower had started his door had opened and a familiar long haired blond came bursting into his room.

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