◄ Chapter 3 ► Anxious Kisses

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Chapter 3

Derek ended up driving my car to go get his car. I was stuck in the passenger seat with nothing to do but twiddle my fingers and stare out at the multiple trees we seemed to be zooming past every point of a second.

I really hadn't said much after the kiss. I helped him clean his room. He told Juana we were going to get his car and that he'd be back soon. He put extra emphasis on he to make it obvious I wasn't coming back. I didn't mind because after what had happened I was ready to get far away from him, for now.

The kiss meant nothing, it was my first kiss and I felt nothing. Well that's what I'm trying to convince myself.

I actually had butterflies in my stomach for the first time in my life and the number increased ever nanosecond I was with him. It started to make me feel queasy and I felt like I could throw up rainbow and glittery butterflies any second now. Just the thought of it made me sick.

"You ok?" He glanced at me and I nodded my head. "You look a little sick."

"I-I'm fine." I say while trying to stop my hands from shaking.

I stick them between my legs and press my thighs together tightly.

"You sure? I can pull over, there's tons of trees to hide behind while you puke." The car started to slow down.

"I'm fine Derek." I snapped at him and tuck my hair behind my ear.

"No need to get snappy." He grumbled and I kept my gaze on my lap and not him.

My breathing began to feel shallow and a weird feeling spread throughout my chest.

Maybe I really was about to be sick.

I felt a lump form in my throat and it became harder to breathe.

"Ok I'm stopping the car. There is no way that you are fine." He pulled over to the side and stopped the car.

It wasn't long before he was crossing over me sand taking my seatbelt off. He smelled like lavender and pine a weird combination but it smelled good.

He helped me out the car and walked me to a tree the world seemed to be spinning and I felt off balance. I fell down to my knees and instantly starting gasping for air. My heart was racing a thousand miles a minute and I literally could not breathe.

My hands began to shake uncontrollably and I curled my self into a ball. I was wheezing and trying to breathe all at the same time. Probably the most unattractive thing in the world.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and hold me close.

"Shhhh." He whispered in my ear. "Just take slow deep breaths." He instructed. "Focus on nothing but the air going in an out of your lungs."

I tried doing just that. Focusing on nothing but slowing down my breathing. My wheezing eventually stopped and the tight feeling in my chest softened. My throat opened up with each breath and I could breathe again. My heart was still beating at a fast pace but least I was breathing.

He tucked my hair behind my ear and kissed my temple, still holding my body close to him. His hands gripping my shoulders and his arms wrap around me.

"My sister used to have these panic attacks before she died." He whispered in my ear. "I used to hold her and tell her to just breathe and that it'd all be ok." He pressed his nose behind my ear. "She scared me closer to death each and every time she had them."

"How did she die?" I say softly staring off into the distance if trees.

In the brief moments that I couldn't breathe I was scared. Scared that I would die because I hadn't had an anxiety attack in years.

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