◄ Chapter 2 ► Are You Rapunzel

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Chapter 2

A few minutes after Derek left my mom came home from work. She worked as assistant principal at the middle school. Sometimes she comes home super late because of meetings or conferences and sometimes she's home around the same time as me. Other times she's home before me.

"Hey mom." I smile greeting her at the door.

"Hey sweetheart." She gives me a soft kiss on the cheek.

"I had a friend over I hope that's ok." I usually have to consult her first before inviting someone over, especially if it's a guy.

"Yeah that's fine." She shrugs off her coat. "Who was this friend?" She slings it over her arm and starts unstrapping her shoes.

"Derek Reid." I saw walking over to the mess of papers on the couch and organizing them into a neat pile.

"A boy?" She says in shock.

"Yes mama a boy." I say in an old country accent. "He brought me flowers and chocolates and he touched me right here on this couch." I hold my notebook and papers to my chest as I point to the couch while keeping up my accent.

"Why did you stop acting again?" She laughs walking over me. "You're so good at it, especially when you're being sarcastic."

"Because it wasn't as fun as I hoped it to be." I shrugged.

"You looked like you were having fun." She used both her hands to tuck my hair in behind both my ears.

"It was called acting mother." I swiftly turn away and start walking towards my room door.

"I knew that." She calls after me. "I'm calling take out for dinner!" She says as I walk up the stairs.

"The usual!" I shout back.


"I was begining to think you'd never call!" Madison says relieved on the other end of the phone.

"Well I did." I deadpan crossing my legs beneath me.

"So I want to get to know you better. I notice that you walk home. Maybe me, you and Destiny could go shopping Friday after school. I'd totally pay for everything of course." She adds after a slight pause of silence.

"I don't know, I don't really go shopping and Destiny really doesn't-"

"She already consented into going. All we need is your approval." She cuts in and I pull on my hair adding this to long list of times I regret cutting my hair.

In big decisions like this I used to chew on my hair. That's a reason why I cut it, so I could break the habit. I always forget and then end up regretting ever cutting it in the first place.

"Sure, I guess that's ok." I shrug. "I'll have to ask my mom first but I'm sure she won't mind." I curl my fingers against my lips.

"You let me know tomorrow k?" She chirps and I nod my head.

"Yeah, ok." I tuck my hair behind my ear nervously.

"Ok I have to go, my dog needs a bath." She sighs and I try and force out a laugh.

"Bye." I hung up quickly.

That conversation wasn't as easy as it was talking to Derek. They both come from the same social class yet conversation came easy and natural between Derek and I. With Madison it felt forced and tense.

That's just after one conversation it may get better, who knows.


My phone began ringing in the middle of the night. I groaned and picked it up.

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