◄ Chapter 22 ► I'm No Booty Call, I Am Love

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◄ Chapter 22 ► I'm No Booty Call, I Am Love

I angry tug on my pants and button them. I felt used, dirty and wanted to go home and scrub my self clean. I didn't even bother to take off his shirt, I was up ready to leave.

"You can't seriously be mad." Derek groans and I whip my head around him to him so fast I nearly catch whip lash.

"You don't get it do you?" I say emphasizing my words.

"Get what?" He crosses his arms.

"I'm no booty call Derek!" I snap grabbing my bag off the floor.

"I didn't say you were." He took a step towards me.

"Really because then what is she doing here?" I pointed over to the raven haired slut who had showed up in a trench coat and pink lingerie.

"I forgot I had made plans with her yesterday before, you, before we-" I cut him off with a scoff and roll my eyes. "Monica." He grips my arms, tugging me back as I turned to leave.

"You have commitment issues." I spat at him, snatching my arm away from him.

"Monica." He says softer, a look of pain in his eyes.

I push aside the guilt I feel and channel it into anger. No longer caring.

"Call me when you're ready for something serious." I retort and with that I take my leave.

Then I realized I had no way to get home.


I ended to getting a ride from Calvin and he ended up staying over.

"He's always been this way. Everyone thinks he's so faithful but he's not." He scoffed as he peeled a grape. "I don't think if he ever will settle down."

"What's so hard about being monogamous?" I frown, running the red brush along my big toe.

"For him, everything." He says popping his peeled grape into his mouth.

I have made peace with the fact that I have fallen for Derek. I didn't love him, no I could never love him because of who he was and who he is now. Even if I ever did fall in love with him I would never tell him for the same reasons. There were so many things to love about that human being but there were the same amount of things to not want to love him at the same time.

I could fall in love with the idea of Derek. The side that I could relate to. What I considered normal. I could not fall in love with Derek as a whole. He treated women horribly and he didn't even care.

"But he is crazy about you Monica." He says looking up at him. "Have been for the longest time."

"You're lying?" I furrow my eyebrows together.

"I swear the truth and nothing but the truth." He places his hand over his head and hold up the other.

"Yeah right." I snort and go back to painting my toe nails with red polish.

I never really did my nails unless I was upset. It distracted me from why I was upset and gave me time to cool off before I decided to solve it.

"I'm serious, ever since you fell off that swing." He states and I stop my actions.

"What did you say?" I lifted my gaze up to him.

"Ever since you fell off those swings and he kissed your knee, he's been nothing but crazy about you." He pushes another grape between his lips.

"I doubt that, we were kids. We didn't know what being in love meant. Plus of he was how come he hasn't talked to me?" I arch my brow, tucking my hair behind my ear.

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