◄ Chapter 9 ►First And Second Base

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◄ Chapter 9 ► First And Second Base

"What do you wanna do?" I rock on my hips in the bed as he pulls his shirt over his head.

"I don't know what do you wanna do?" He fixes his sweats on his hips so they wouldn't hang so low.

"I don't know what you wanna do?" I ask again and he looks at me in the mirror. I give him and innocent smile and he laughs shaking his head. 

"How about we play twenty questions?" He turns towards me and smirks. 

"Why?" I arch. 

"Because there's still things I don't know about you." He slips into my bed, but keeps his distance.

"Ok fine, what do you want to know?" I run my fingers through my hair and pull it up into a ponytail.

"When's your birthday?" He arches his brow.

"Three days." I reply quickly. 

He stares off in the distance and he thinks about it. 

"May 24th?" He arches his brow. 

"Yup." I nod my head. "What about yours?" I cross my legs beneath me. 

"Fourth of July." He runs his tongue over his bottom lip. "You're favorite color?" 

This question made me blush because I was in love with the color of his eyes and I didn't want to be, There were so different and I liked it. It was a deep shade of Emerald with flecks of gold spreading through it and it was something about them that could have me staring at them for long periods of time. 

"Your eyes." I mumble softly and he smiles. "Yours?" 

"Are you copying my questions?" He asks in a playful tone and I roll my eyes.

"Just answer the question Reid." I tease. 

"I like sapphire, but i've recently grown an affection for the color of your eyes, they're dark yet bright at the same time." He leaned in closer and I felt the heat intensify in my cheeks. 

We go on with this for the next fifteen minutes until my dad walks past carrying a bunch of blankets in his arms. They of course were never used and we started making Dereks place on the floor seeming my dad doesn't trust him on the bed. 


I pull on Derek's bottom lip with my teeth and he groans, gripping my sides. I felt adrenaline running through my veins as we made out on my bed in the middle of the night.

Neither one of us could sleep. So we closed my door and he crawled up on my bed. Few minutes after that I was straddling him between my legs and running my tongue along his.

I let out a shuttered breathe as he pulls his lips away from mine and trail them down my chin. A startled gasps escapes me as he flips me over and hovers above me.

"What shall I ever do with you?" He mumbles, trailing his lips down my neck.

Sometime durning the night my shirt had came off and all that was left was my bra and shorts. He was in his boxer briefs and nothing else. I found it very hard to resist him like this.

"Me? What about you?" I bite down on my lip as he lightly nip the skin in the crook of my neck. "I'm a good girl, I don't do stuff like this."

He pulls back and his lips were twisted into a smirk.

"Yet I wasn't the one who suggested making out instead of being bored as we stared up at the ceiling." He shifted off me.

"Fine, what do you suggest we do?" I sit up and cross my arms.

His eyes flick down to my breast and I follow his gaze. I chose the wrong day to wear a bra that was a little smaller than the rest of them.

"We get to second base." He opens my legs and pull me closer to him. He lifts me up and sits me on his lap. "Because I never go through the bases, just make a home run." He licks his lips.

"You want the bases?" I reach up and start removing my bra strap. He nods his head and bites down on his lip. "Come and get them." I whisper pulling him closer and softly placing my lips against his.


I felt as if I couldn't breathe. His touch sent chills down my spine and all I wanted was to for him to touch me more. My torso was completely naked and there were times were I tried covering myself. He would always move my arms and then kiss me, pressing our bodies together.

My nípples were erect and very sensitive to his touch. It didn't help the fact he kept running his tongue around my areola.

"Second base is boring, it's not as exciting as first or third." He circles my nip with his thumb, wetting his bottom lip with his tongue.

"As badly as I would like to," I start. "We're not getting to third tonight." I push his hands away from my breast.

"Figures." He huffs kissing near my lips. "I'm tired anyways." He kisses my chin, then goes to the other side.

"Me too." I try to stifle my yawn.

A few seconds later I was resting half naked against his chest under the sheets of my bed.

"Hey Derek?" I look up at him.

His eyes were closed but I knew he was still up.

"Hmm?" He hums.

"Do you think we're going a little too fast? I mean it's our second day being in a relationship and we've already dry humped each other, made out, and reached second base." I run my finger lightly against his chest.

"Do you want to slow things down?" He asks, taking my hand and resting it against the middle of his chest.

"Just a little bit." I mutter, closing my eyes.

"I would only do this for you Blondie." He sighs softly and a smile touches my lips.

"You're the first guy whose ever hit second base." I confess and I picture him smiling literally from ear to ear.

"You're the only girl whose personality makes me hard." He squeezes me closer to him and I wrap my arm around his waist.

"Really?" I mutter.



I wake up the next morning to the sun shining in my face. I groan and try to hide from it.

"Rise and shine blondie, you need to get your bra and shirt in before your dad gets up." Derek snatches the sheets away from me, exposing my body to the cold morning air.

"Derek!" I groan, trying to force my eyes open.

"As much as I enjoy seeing you turned on you need to get up." I felt my bed dip to the side as he climbed in it.

"There's nothing arousing about this." I huff laying in my back.

There was silence. I felt something wet and rough at the waist of my shorts. Soon that wet and rough thing began sliding up my stomach. By the time it reached one of my nipples my eyes flew open and a gasps escaped me.

"What the hell?!" I shout, pushing him off me.

"Here." He handed me my bra.

I frown at me as he smirk. Shaking my head I put my focus on putting on my bra. He watches in fascination. After putting it on I scoot out of bed and grab my shirt off the floor. I pull it over my head and by the time it falls over my body I'm trapped in a pair of arms.

"Good morning babe." He whispers in my ear.

"Mmmm, good morning." I hum, enjoying the feel of his body pressed against mine.

"How do you feel about mechanics?

A/N: This chapter is short yes I know and it's sort of a filler chapter.

Spoiler: in the next chapter you get to officially meet his best friend and his mother.

Spoiler #2: there will be a chapter named home run. *insert winking face here*

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