Authors note!!! Potential rewrite and sequel!!!

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So a lot of you have been requesting a sequel for this story and i always feel bad because there was never going to be a sequel.

BUUUUUTTTT after re-reading chapters i've come to miss Monica and Derek. And i was thinking.

What if i rewrote this story and made it possible for that sequel to happen.

The re-write wont be huge. It will still be the same premise, same name. It would be more editing, clean up and adding more to the story to make that sequel possible.

If you guys are interested, please let me know. It would be re-written over on my other page @TheMightyKeyboard. So you can either comment / vote (more so comment because i get notifications for that specifically) here or PM over there about the re-write. Either way i'll be able to see what you guy's thoughts are on it.

Just food for thought. (More Derica x2 just sayin)

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