◄ Chapter 13 ► New Additions

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◄ Chapter 13 ► New Additions

I felt fingers stroke face lightly and a breath fan across my cheeks before moving to my ear. I tense up and pulled my comforters closer towards me.

"Monica." A soft voice whispered in my ear. "Monica, wake up." It was my mother.

My eyes fluttered open slowly to look up to see my mom standing in my room. She smiled and stood up revealing her shirt. I grimaced at the horrible baby picture of me.

"Is it really that time of year again?" I groan pulling the covers over my head, closing my eyes and embracing the darkness.

I had hardly gotten any sleep last night, mainly because I was thinking about when I was little and fell off the swing. It had been Derek who I fell in love with. It had been Derek who saved me from bleeding to death or dying from an infected cut. It had been Derek who contributed to the fact love was nothing but a myth.

"Yes! You're 18! You're officially an adult in society. You can vote!" She said happily and pulled the covers from my face.

I hissed at her and pulled them back. The sun was my enemy right now.

"You're also late for getting up, don't get up now then you won't be getting a ride to school." She says and I push my covers off my face.

"Can I just stay here?" I look up at her with a pleading look.

"No, you only have week and three days of school left and your exams are next week. Chop chop." She clapped her hands and walked out of my room.

I sigh and shove my covers off me and slip out of bed. I walk over to my bathroom and stare at myself in the mirror. I looked dead. My skin was paler than usual, bags were under my eyes and my hair was a mess. I took the time to actually brush the knots out of my head before getting in the shower and attempting to wash it.

By the time I got to school the first bell had already rung and I was late for class. I huffed and walked to the attendance office and signed in for a pass. The lady at the desk changed my attendances to late instead of absent.

"Happy birthday Monica." She smiled at me as I was taking the pass.

I smiled back at her and walked out the office. Before heading to physics I took a pit stop at my locker and good enough it was decorated with balloons and paper that read Happy Birthday! I huff and approach it anyway.

When I open it I half expect something to jump out at me and half expect it to be Destiny since she's skinny enough to fit. Instead a box tumbles to the floor and I wince, hoping that whatever was in it didn't break.

Slowly I pick it up and carefully remove the wrapping paper. I open the box and inside was a bear. I smiled at the little brown ball of fur. Around it's neck was a necklace. I would've never noticed it if it hadn't caught on the light.

Leaning in closer I notice that it's a dog tag. I rub my fingers along the ridged surface of the words and it said Derek's Girl. I smiled and shook my head. I place the box in my locker and close it.

Derek had Economics this hour so I rushed to his class. I stood in the window and looked around for him. He wasn't there and I frowned.

Slowly I turned on my heels and bumped into a wall. But that wall was built with muscle and meat and it felt warm. I instantly knew who it was and wrapped my arms around him.

"You got my bear then?" He chuckles, wrapping his arms around my shoulders.

"Yes, I did and I adore it." I look up at him. "How'd you know my locker combination?"

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