◄ Chapter 23 ► Hey You, Stay...Please

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◄ Chapter 23 ► Hey You, Stay...Please

My eyes slowly flutter open and as soon as they do I'm enveloped in a hug. I felt my mothers warm embrace take over me. I was a little confused but I willed myself to hug her back.

"Thank goodness you woke up." She mutters in my ear.

"You hit the floor hard kiddo." My dad says from above me.

Slowly my eyes travel up to where he was standing and he forces a smile onto him lips. I pull away from my mother and look at her.

"What's going on?" I tuck my hair behind my ear.

"Your father needed a place to stay seeming the hospital is keeping your aunt and he wanted to be close to the hospital." My mother explained and I looked up at my dad he nodded his head.

"Where's Destiny?" I swing my legs over the couch and slowly stand up.

"She left to get ready for graduation." My mom helped me to my feet.

"What time is it?" I quickly ask, turning to look at her.

"10:50." She mumbles and my eyes widen.

"I have to get ready!"


I grip the counter of the bathroom sink and clench my jaw.

"Be lucky I always carry back up make-up." Destiny says, dusting eyeshadow across my lid.

"Yes, where would I be without you and your back up make up." I say sarcastically.

She finishes and I open my eyes to see a smiling Destiny.

"You're so gorgeous." She squeals and I hop of the sink.

Thankfully I was smart enough to take off my wedges before hopping on the golden counter top. She fixes my hair before letting me put them back on.

We walk into the red carpeted hall and run into Gwen. She was wearing a read cocktail dress that exposed her sides. Her lips were cherry red and her hair was tossed up in a curled ponytail. She gave both of us a fake smile and I clenched my teeth.

"So nice to see you again Monica." She purrs and I let out a fake sigh before forcing a smile.

"You two Gwen." I chirp.

"I told you so." She says as of she won the battle and I felt a growl rumble in my throat. "After you left Derek was all over-" A stinging sensation filled the palm of my hand.

She raised her hand to her face and rubbed where I slapped her. She stared at me with darkness swirling within her eyes.

"Why you little-"

"Seniors if you haven't collected your cap and gown please do so now!" A voice says over the intercom.

Destiny takes my hand and pulls me down the hall.

"What was that about?" She hisses at me as we continued down the hall.

"I'll tell you later." I grumble.


I shift in my seat as Paula Melton said her speech for valedictorian. My arms were crossed against my chest and I felt a hallow feeling in my seat as the heat from Derek radiated over to me. My foot tapped against the floor and I was little upset that the dress I was wearing restricted my from crossing my legs.

Every now and then I would feel Derek's eyes roam over to me but the feeling was quickly gone when he looked away. So I just fidgeted in my seat uncomfortably.

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