◄ Chapter 7 ► Phone Sex and Wet Dreams

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Love recognizes no barriers. It jumps hurdles, leaps fences, penetrates walls to arrive at its destination full of hope. ~Maya Angelou

◄ Chapter 7 ► Phone Sex and Wet Dreams

I tilt my head to the side as I watch the the massive guy flips the girl around and start forcing his large veiny cøck into the small brunettes àss.

It was probably around midnight since porn was now playing on my tv. I never understood it, I wasn't one to watch it and somehow I ended up watching it on mute in my room. It didn't turn me on it was actually quite disgusting if that was what sex was really like I don't ever want to have sex.

I grimaced when the guy came all over her back and quickly grabbed my remote and turned it off. I try to rid my brain of the image but it wasn't working. My phone rang and it was a beautiful distraction.

I answered it and put it to my ear.

"Hey what are you wearing?" Derek ask and I scrunch in confusion.

"What am I wearing?" I repeat.

"Yeah what are you wearing?" he asks.

I look down at my sports bra and lace underwear. My dad didn't believe in ac so it was always really hot in his penthouse. I usually slept in my underwear and on really rare occasions I slept in the nude.

"A sports bra and lace underwear, why?" I arch my brow.

"What if I told you I was naked? Would you get naked for me?" He asks and my eyes widened.

"No!" I choke out.

"Ok then get naked for me Rapunzel." He purrs and I felt a lump lodge it's way in my throat.

"No." I repeated and he huffed into the phone. "Why are you calling me in the middle of the night?"

"Why are you up in the middle of the night?" He swings the question around at me.

"I was watching porn." I mumble softly into the phone, blush crosses my cheeks.

"Were you mastùrbating and thinking about me and you?" He says in a sultry tone.

"No, I wasn't. Porn is disgusting, in no way shape or form did it turn me on." I grimaced as a shudder slid down my spine.

"Have you ever mastúrbated?" He asks.

"No." I admit.

"So you're just a virgin to sēx period." He teases and I frown. "First things first, porn is overacted sex. I think it's horrible but I still watch it when I need a quick release. Don't let porn make or break your decision about sēx. Trust I'm gentle with virgins." He cooed and my cheeks warmed up.

"Oh." I didn't know what to say.

"Mastúrbation is a good way to release stress. Everyone should mastúrbate sometime in there life. If you don't know how you work, how is a guy supposed to know how you work Blondie." He explains.

"Is there anything else I should know about?"

"Phone sēx, the reason I called you in the middle of the night." He says.

"Phone sēx?" I tuck my hair behind my ear.

"Where I whisper all the dirty things I wanna do to you in your ear." He whispers. "And you react by touching yourself, but since you've never mastúrbated we'll leave that alone."

"Wh-what would you do to me?" I gulped.

"Do you want to have phone sēx Blondie?" He questions and I shrug.

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