◄ Chapter 19 ► His/Hers You Mad Or Nah?

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◄ Chapter 19 ► His/Hers You Mad Or Nah?

Derek ended up going home, leaving me to clean the mess we made last night. I should've been mad that he didn't stay to help but I wasn't. He wasn't feeling good and he had to reschedule the meeting with the guy who sold the parts he needed. If he couldn't then he'd have to buy them online and he wouldn't have his car done before the end of the month.

By the time I had finished and got dressed it was about four in the evening. Around that time Destiny had picked me up and we had went to the mall. As we were sitting in the food court Ethan had joined us and I felt like a third wheel as they fed each other frozen yogurt. I was happy for her but we were supposed to be having a girls day.

So I sat there awkwardly spooning melting fro-yo. She offered calling Derek but I knew he wouldn't be up for it. He hated the mall and wouldn't dare be caught dead in one.

"Why so glum chum?" Destiny sighs as I let out a loud heavy sigh.

I look up at her through my bangs and she was basically sitting on Ethan. I flip my hair out my face and lean on the table.

"You're talking to me?" I arch my brow.

"You're the only one sighing." She replies.

"Nothing, nothing's wrong." I shake my head and continue to scoop the fro-yo with my spoon and watched it drip back into the bowl.

"You're upset because I'm here right?" Ethan asks and I look over at him.

"I told you to call Derek!" Destiny exclaims.

"I don't have to spend every waking moment with him!" I say back, pushing the bowl away from me.

"You have been for the past couple days." She retorts.

I clench my teeth together and lean back in my seat.

"His mother died." I say, trying to keep my cool.

"Let him grieve by himself." She frowns.

"I didn't let you grieve by yourself when your hamster died!" I snap at her and she was taken by it. "You know what," I say while getting up. "Go ahead and spend the day with your boyfriend." I begin to walk again.

"Monica wait!" She calls but I keep walking.

I find myself in a store generally for couples. They had a bunch of his and hers shirts and accessories. I wound up looking at a his and hers shirts.

"Thinking about buying?" A voice says next to me and I jump.

I turn to face Calvin. My heart begins to slow down.

"What are you doing here?" I face him.

"I work here." He sats motioning to his name tag.

"Since when?" My brows furrow together.

"About the same time his mother died." He says running his fingers through his blonde hair but it only flops back in his face.

"Oh." I turn back towards the shirts.

"You know he was looking at the same thing not to long ago." He crosses his arms.

"When?" I quickly turn my head towards him.

"Two weeks ago, he came with me to get an application and got distracted. He was going to buy them as a joke but I guess he never did." He smiled.

"You're kidding?" I arch my brow.

"No he was waiting in line and everything." He nods his head over to the cash register.

I look back at the shirt and laugh. The guy shirt says 'I'm with her, you mad or NAH?' with an arrow pointing to the girl shirt. The girls shirt says 'I'm with him, your mad or NAH?' with an arrow pointing to the guys shirt.

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