◄ Chapter 4 ► Blurred Lights

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Chapter 4

"Stop." I say pushing him away, still holding the book in the other hand.

This was not going well. For the past two minutes he's been trying to make this video into a porno. I was not showing that to a teacher let alone make one.

"Fine." He huffs.

"How about you actually talk to me for once?" I mark my page and close the book, laying it on my lap.

"What do you mean?" He scrunched his face. "I talk to you."

"How was your day sweetheart?" I force out without gritting my teeth.

"Really? That's what you want to talk about?" He groaned sliding down the bed.

"Yes, that's what I want to talk about. We never talk anymore." I look down at him and tuck my hair behind my ear.

"This is so stupid!" He exclaims sitting up.

"What is?" I arch my brow.

"This whole thing. This isn't natural and you know it." He turned to face me and crossed his legs.

He was right there was nothing natural about this whole scenario. It all seemed forced and scripted.

"How about you change into a over sized t-shirt and throw your hair up in a bun. Let's strip this bed down and remake it in a video. Give him that and see how he likes it." He uncross his legs and crawl out the bed.

A few minutes later we had stripped my bed of its sheets and was ready to take another stab at this. It was actually pretty fun taking it off and lightened the mood a little.

"I saw a squirrel today." He says while pulling the sheets over the bed.

"A squirrel?" I laughed.

"Yeah, it was with this other squirrel." He huffed when he tried the other end and it popped off at the top.

"Oh really?" I arched my brow.

"Yeah and it said, 'hey who's he?'." He did a nod to no one in particular. "And the other squirrel said 'I don't know but look at his nuts.' I was holding two walnuts." I tried to hold in my laugh. "Then the first squirrel said 'yeah, they're huge!' and you know what I said?" He finally got his side on and I decided to put my sides on.

"What did you say?" I a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Thank you." He winked and I stare at him confused.

It wasn't until later did I realize that it was a dirty joke.

"You're so gross." I toss a pillow at him.

"Yet you married me." He stuck his tongue out at me.

"I want a divorce." I joked tossing the second sheet his way.

"To bad, you're mine forever." He started to spread it across the bed.

"Forever ever?" I pout and he arches his brow at me before nodding his head.

When we were finished with that sheet, I sat down on the bed. He flounces down on my bed and slings his arm over my shoulder. He leans in and starts to bite the top of my ear. My heart jerks in my chest and I push my shoulder up trying to block my ear, while also leaning away.

He just leans in closer and before I knew it I was falling to the side and dangling over the side of the bed.

"Oh my gosh!" I squeal gripping my bed.

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