◄ Chapter 14 ► Crying And Cuddling

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Chapter 14 Crying And Cuddling

I sit on the porch with my cross body bag filled with overnight stuff and a change of clothes. Artis was in my arms like usual and I was waiting on Derek. He said he'd pick me up as soon as he got a car, that was three hours ago.

I haven't been sitting outside for three hours only 10 minutes because he told me he was right around the corner. Then he told me he needed to make a quick stop before picking me up.

By the time he actually did pick me up I was ready to give up and go in the house. He pulled up in a silver convertible mustang and I was a little reluctant to get in the car. But I stood up off the porch and got in the car anyway.

"Is that lipstick?" I say when I first enter the car.

"What?" He looks at me.

I frown, turning his head back towards the dashboard. Rub my thumb across his neck and the pink mark smudged.

"That is lipstick!" I say leaning away from him.

"Oh that." He places his hand on his neck. "It's nothing." He shook his head.

"Nothing? I believe it's something Derek." I cross my arms and he ignored me, pulling out of my drive way. "Did you cheat? If you cheated you automatically lost."

"I didn't cheat." He mutters, keeping his gaze on the road.

"Really because the lipstick stain in your neck says other wise." I snap.

"Ok so this girl was kissing on me. Big whoop, I didn't feel anything for her. She was an old fling who happened to owe me a favor." He growls and I have a hard time believing him.

Like Ethan said he had a reputation. Derek wasn't known to brush a girl off, especially of he's in a relationship.

"I don't believe that you just brushed her off Derek. Something had to of went down." I felt my stomach tighten and that wasn't a good sign.

Why do you care so much? Once this whole thing is over you won't be dating him anyway.

"Well you should. Nothing happened between us." He clenched his jaw and I scoffed.

I rolled my eyes over to the window and I stared out it for the longest time. We rode in silence all the way to his house. When we arrived we sat in the driveway.

"Look at me Monica." He says and I slowly turn my head towards him.

He stares at me with his green eyes and leans in closer.

"When I say nothing happened, nothing happened. She kissed my neck and I pushed her off. You're the only girl I really want ok." He tucked my hair behind my ear. "Like I said your personality has the power to turn me on. When I'm with you I have no real self control." He caress my face. "I really like you, I wouldn't screw this up because of some girl who doesn't have self respect." He stroked his thumb across my cheek.

I let out a ragged breath as tried breathing normal but it wasn't worth it. His words held so much truth behind it, it made me feel guilty about ever doubting him.

He notices my change of heart and takes the moment to place a soft kiss on my lips.

"I kind of want you to myself." He mutters and I laugh.

"We have Artis now." I start taking off my seatbelt.


I snatch the bottle out of Calvin's hand and drop it in the trash bag I had.

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