◄ Chapter 12 ►Our First Lake Date

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◄ Chapter 12 ►Our First Lake Date

I grip the sides of the chair with my fingers, refusing to move an inch. I look at Destiny and she was gathering her things to leave.

"I don't want to go." I say in a panic.

"You're going." She turns towards me and scowls.

"I can just say I'm not feeling well!" I try to take out my bun but she rushes over to me and grips my arms, pinching my skin with her nails.

"You're not, because you're going on this date." She pulls me out the chair.

"Destiny don't make me do this!" I try digging my heels in the ground as she pushes me towards the stares.

At the same time my mom was walking up the stairs.

"Derek's here sweetheart." She says, tucking her blonde hair behind her ear.

"I heard you." I state standing up.

"She'll be right down Ms. Roth." Destiny assures and my mom heads downstairs.

Destiny turns me towards her and grips me by my shoulders. She glared at me before smacking me across the face. I don't get time to react before she grips my face and jabs her finger at my nose.

"This is your first date since Tommy Lancaster in seventh grade. You're not backing out of this now." She slaps me again.

"Ow!" I shout at her, shoving her away from me.

"I was slapping common sense into you." She smiles, catching her balance.

I took my keyes and head down the stairs. Derek was sitting there in a black blazer but a white galaxy shirt and khakis with black converse. It was an odd combination but it looked good on him. It was also the first time i've seen sleeves on him.

I tried fighting the smile on my face but it was no use. He turned his head in my direction and I felt all air turn into lead in my lungs. My feet became glued to the floor and I so desperately wanted to turn around and run up the stairs to hide in my room.

"Don't you look adorable." Derek says causing all the air to blow out of me.

He stood up from the couch and walked over to me. He tilted my head up and kissed me. My eyes fluttered closed and I gripped his hips, pulling him towards me. He chuckled and pulled away.

His tongue ran across his lips, licking any of the gloss that was on them.

"That tastes good." He leans in to kiss me again, this time sliding his tongue across my lip.

"Hey! Don't you dare eat the lipgloss off her lips." Destiny says loudly as she comes down the stairs.

Derek pulls away and licks his lips once again.

"I can do what ever I want." He purrs and I tense up slightly.

"Anything but eating her lipgloss." She says turning my face towards her to inspect my lips.

She pulls the tube out of her pocket and reapplies it before shoving it in mine.

"Just incase." She taps my thigh and smiles at me. "You two have fun, but not too much fun or I will hurt you."

"I make no promises." Derek says, taking my hand and lacing our fingers.

Destiny growls, narrowing her eyes at him and he begins to lead me out the house. We walk down the sidewalk, swinging our hands between us. It wasn't until he opened the door that I realized that there was a limo.

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