◄ Chapter 30 ► About 730 Days

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Chapter 30 About 730 Days

Another week past without any contact with Derek. This time it was mutual on both ends. He didn't try to talk to me and I didn't try and talk to him. His last words never left my thoughts though.

"If you're going to leave then leave and never come back."

Yes his words hurt but I made my choice and I was sticking with it. I didn't try and beg for forgiveness. I even came to conclusion that my whole "I need to tell him I love him" freak out was because of the fact he might've died. Not once has the thought ever occurred my mind after that.

I was foolish to think that I actually loved him.

You know you do, the voice in side my thoughts taunted

"Today's the day huh." My mom asks while I was forking eggs into my mouth, distracting me from my thoughts.

"I guess so." I mumbled.

Today was the day I actually started packing. I didn't gave a designated day to move in but the days counting down to the first day was coming closer. My room still wasn't packed. My goal today was to pack as much as I can and be finished in three days. I feel as if I could do it. All I needed was a little motivation.

Packing in a way is like cleaning your room in the spring. You go through things you need and things you don't need. You gather things you want to donate to charity and you put away things that were no longer useful for the season. I hated spring cleaning and always dreaded the day my mom made me go through every thing.

"Do you need any help?" She asks smiling at me.

My moms been trying to spend more time with me. Since I'm moving into my own place she'll be in the house all alone. She didn't plan on having kids any time soon but she was thinking about getting a pet.

"I don't think so." I reply and her smile falls but she doesn't exactly frown. "But if I do I'll let you know, I have a lot of stuff." I tagged on and she smiled again.

Just because I was growing up and leaving didn't mean I had to exclude her from it. If she wanted to help she could help, I didn't have it in my heart to tell her she couldn't.

"Just let me know ok. I can get you more boxes, I could throw things out for you, I could even pack your room for you." She offers and I laugh.


Around 3 I had most of my room packed. Not everything was packed though. I still had piles of clothes I had to sort through, half a closet to clean and one whole section of my room. At the moment my room looked a hot mess and I was taking my sweet time clearing off my dresser.

I pull a photo strip out from between the mirror and the frame for the mirror. I stare at the pictures of me and Derek. It was the day we went to the school carnival. We couldn't resist the photo booth and took 8 pictures, four for me and four for him. A smile stretched across my face and I wiped away tears that had fell down my face, I hadn't even known I was crying. I place the photo strip in place of a bookmark and placed the book in the box.

I reach for the next thing on my dresser but my mom stops me. I look up at her behind blurred eyes. I sniff and she gives me a soft loving smile.

"Go." She whispers and I instantly knew what she meant.

I lean over and wrap my arms around her neck, giving her a hug. She wraps her arms around me hugging me back.

I loved how she knew what I've been wanting to do for days now but never had a reason to do it.

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