◄ Chapter 24 ► Is It Too Late To Join?

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◄ Chapter 24 ► Is It Too Late To Join

After changing into my yoga shorts and matching sports bra I showed up to practice, with Derek and Tyler in tow.

"She's hot." Tyler whispered.

"Yeah I know." Derek whispered back as we walked across the grassy field. "I used to date her."

"Used to?" Tyler questioned.

"Yeah, things happened and we both figured we'd be better off as friends." He answered.


I spin around and they jump slightly in shock. I place my hands on my hips and give them a stern look.

"Both of you go sit on the bleachers." I pointed to the metal seats far away from where practice was being held.

"But we won't be able to see anything from there." Derek whined and I gave him a pointed look. "Fine, come on Ty." He slung his arm around his half brothers shoulders and lead him over to the bleachers.

I rolled my eyes and turned back around.

"Monica so glad you could join us." Madison says, her hair tugged up into a ponytail.

"I'm so sorry i'm late." I apologize.

"No worries." She smiles, waving it away with her hand. "I guess i'll introduce you to the rest of the squad." She loops her arm through mine and pulls me towards everyone else who was stretching.

There were about 15 people on the squad only 5 of them were guys. She introduced me to all of them with a detailed story of their best cheer moments.

"And this is Kevin, he was Barbra's partner. He's great at catching.." I toned her out not really caring.

Kevin had spiked blonde hair and a kind of boyish look to him. He didn't look like a baby but he didn't look like older either, he rested in the middle.

He had broad shoulders and he was nicely built.

He smiled at me and held out his hand to shake.

"I hope you don't have trust issues." he joked and I let out a slight laugh as I shook his hand.

"Ok you two, i'll just leave for you can stretch and get to know each other." She spun on her heels and skipped away.


My heart dropped and I fell into Kevin's arms. My arms wound up around his neck and he cradled me like a child.

A smile spread across his face as he held me.

"Told you I'd catch you." He carefully places me down on my feet.

I give him a strained chortle and try slowing my heartbeat.

It turns out that Kevin was gay and it was a total shocker because he seemed totally straight. I would've never guessed and he was only a junior going into senior year in the fall. He'd been cheering since he was eight and wanted to become a cheer coach.

"Who's the guy you showed up with?" He bent over and grabbed his water bottle off the ground.

"Derek." I say, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear.

He begin choking on his water and I looked at him concerned. I patted his back lightly coaxing him away from his choking fit. He waved his hand signaling he was ok and stood up.

"As in the Derek Reid?" He gripped my arm pulling me towards him.

My eyes widened and I nodded my eyes.

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