Chapter 1 ♾

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Raegan's pov:

It's my first day of school tomorrow. I couldn't be more nervous about it. I've been homeschooled my whole life and I mean my whole life. I start my junior year, i'm 17. I've never been to a real school. I'm probably one the shyest people in the world. I don't talk a lot. Only to the people I know most. Like my family. My brother Rizzy helps me a lot, he's the best brother ever. I don't have any friends, he's all I have.

I'm female to male transgender and I don't plan on telling anyone at school. I've had top and bottom surgery I'm terrified of being bullied. I'm also gay and I'm planning on keeping that a secret too.

It's about 9 and night and I'm going to bed now because I'm going to be really tired so mine as well go to bed early.

"Raegan time to wake up." I hear my mom yell.

I groan and get out of bed.

"Meet me downstairs in 15 minutes."

I nod and get ready. I jump in the shower quick. Once I get out I get dressed, brush my teeth, and make sure my hair looks decent. I head downstairs and sit at the table.

"Morning mom." I say with my head down.

"Hi sweety. Exited for school?" She says sounding happy.

I shrug my shoulders and puts a plate in front of me with pancakes and syrup. She kisses my head and I look up at her.

"I'm heading off to work. I love you. Have a good day." She says.

"I'll try. I love you too."

She walks out the door and I eat my pancakes in silence. I hear someone walking down the stairs and I see Rizzy walk in the kitchen.

"Hey little bro have a good day at school today!"

"Thanks I'll try."

"Dont worry man you'll be fine. Text me later."

"Will do."

He walks past me and pats my shoulder. I finish my pancakes and grab my bag. I head to my car and drive to school.

Once I get there, I get out of my car and walk in. This school is huge, damn. I find the office and head inside.

"Hello sir can I help you?" A lady asks me at the desk.

"I-im new." I say quite.

"Oh oh yes. Raegan Beast?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Ok here's your schedule. Would you like a student to show you around?" She asks me.


"It would be very helpful."she says nodding her head.


She nods again and turns her chair around. A few seconds later she turns to me again.

"A student by the name of Justin Blake is coming down. Ok?"


I sit down and a few minutes later, a boy, short, comes in. He has light brown hair and wears glasses. He looks at me and smiles a little. Omg. His eyes are such a beautiful green and his smile is adorable. Ugh I don't even know the kid, Raegan stop!

After he looked at me he went to the desk. I heard him say something about a new student around. HE'S showing me around? Omg! He looks back at me and I stand up.

"Raegan, this is justin. Justin this is our new student Raegan Beast."

"Nice to meet you Raegan." He says. Ugh even his voice is cute!

"Y-you too." I stutter.

"Alright boys get going now."

Justin opens the door and we head out of the office.

"So can I see your schedule?"

"Me? O-oh yea." I say handing him my schedule being shaky. Why am I so awkward I hate it!

He takes it and smiles.

"Cool we have all the same classes accept one....which is 2nd. And we have the same lunch."


"So for the first few days, you can just follow me to classes. Let me show you around."

I nod and we start walking around. He shows me my second period class because we didn't have that together. Then we walk to the gym and lunch room.

"Your shy huh?" He asks looking at me.

I just nod still looking forward.

"That's okay. You'll get used to this school and all the kids."

"I hope."

"But hey, at least you already have a new friend." He said.

I look at him and see him smile. I smile back.


"Of course." He says laughing a little.

He shows me around and then he takes me back at the lunch room and we sit down.

"Let's just stay here because I don't want to go to class."

"Ok *laughs*"

"So, where did you move from?"

"O-oh I didn't move. I was homeschooled. I've been homeschooled my whole life."

His jaw drops.

"What? Your whole life?"

"Yea. I've never been to a school."

"Wow! Why?"

I just shrug. Yea Justin's my friend now but I don't want to tell him I'm trans yet.

"Oh ok. Well if you need anything you can always come to me."

"Thanks Justin." I say and smile.

"Of course."

We talked for a while and laughed. Once lunch came, he got up and motioned for me. I did and followed him. He sat down with some other kids that looked popular and told me to sit down with him. So I did. I didn't want to eat, I wasn't hungry.

Justin didn't introduce me to anyone at the table. He talked to them and I just went on my phone. Then he would talk to me a little every once and a while. Then I saw a girl come sit down on the opposite side of Justin.

"Hi baby." She said and kissed him on the lips.

"Hi babe." He said back.

Why did this hurt me? I didn't like them calling each other babe and baby and kissing. Do I like Justin?

I got up and started to walk away.

"Raegan?" I hear someone yell. I turned around and saw Justin.

"Where are you going?" He asked.

"J-just the bathroom don't worry." I say and walk away quickly.

I get in the boys bathroom and sit in a stall. I really felt hurt. Not that I thought Justin liked me or that he was gay because he's not, but becuase....well, I don't know. I didn't like Justin having a girlfriend.

After thinking a while I relized. I do like Justin.

Ahhh First chapter! Hope you all enjoyed and please c+v (comment and vote) if you like my story so far and will continue reading 😊❤🌎
°Samantha Sarno°

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