Chapter 4 ♾

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Raegan's pov:

I just layed down on the couch and watched tv. I was getting texts from Justin but I ignored them

Rae where did you go?
Rae please answer I'm worried where are you?
I know you're looking at these. Did I do something wrong?

I wasn't mad at him. I didn't like the way I was acting by my jealousy was getting the best at me at this point. I don't know what to do.

I watch tv for what seems like forever. Just blankly staring at tv, no emotion at all. Then I hear my phone go off again.

Justin🙈-  Where do you live i'm coming over.
Raegan please.

I sigh and throw my phone back on the table. Why am I being such a dick? He's just worried about me. He cares about me. I'm just so emotional at the moment.

10 minutes later I hear the doorbell ring. Who is that? My mom doesn't come home this early and she wouldn't knock. I got a little scared but walked to the door. I opened it and saw...Justin, standing there. His eyes lit up and he walked in and hugged my waist really tight.

"Raegan don't scare me like that."

"I-i- how did you know where I lived?"

"I know what your car looks like so for the past 20 minutes I was driving around."

"Aww Justin." I say hugging him back

He lets go of my waist and grabs my hand. He sits down on the couch and then pulls me on the couch.

"Why did you leave early?" He asks.

I shrug looking down.

"Did I do something? Please what's the matter with you?"

"I- I can't tell you."

"What? Why? We are friends right."

"Yes Justin but I can't tell you. Please respect that."

"But....I hate seeing you like this. What can I do?" He says pleading.

Break up with your girlfriend.


Next I hear a phone go off and Justin takes his out. He looks at the text and then puts his phone away.

"Alli wants me to go over her house. Are you okay here?"

"Please stop asking. I'm fine."

"I'm just trying to help Rae. But I can't since you won't even tell me. I thought you trusted me"

He says getting up. He was walking to the door. No wait!

"No wait!" I say and he stops.

I jump off the couch and hug him around the neck. He hugs my wiast.

"I'm sorry I can't tell you. I do trust you I do Justin. Please don't be mad I'm okay, I promise."

"Rae I'm not mad. I just don't like seeing you like this. I really care about you."

"I care about you too. See you tomorrow."

"Yea. See you tomorrow." He says.

We let go of the hug and smile at each other. He leaves and I just stare at him until his car is out of sight.

I need to stop with these feelings.

I close my car door and head into school. I see Justin at his locker. I head to mine and open it. I put my stuff away and close my locker. I turn around and go to Justin. I walk up to him and he's facing away from me because he was turned to his locker. I sneak up behind him and grab his shoulder. I yell and he jumps. He turns around with his hand on his heart. I start cracking up.

"Rae you almost gave me a heart attack." He says breathing heavy.

"*laughing* I'm sorry. I-i cant breathe."

He laughs a little and roll his eyes.

"Very funny. So your better today?"

"Yea. I relized that what I was upset about shouldn't be something I should be upset about you know? What I have now is great."

"Well I'm glad. Now you'll stop being a bum?" He says laughing.

"Yes ill stop."

The bell rings and Alli comes up to Justin quick.

"Hey baby want to come over after school?" She asks him.

"Uhh, I can't I have to do something. Maybe tomorrow." He says kissing her.

"Alright. Bye." She says and walks away.

We start walking and I got curious.

"What do you need to do agter school?"

"I was going to ask you if you wanted to hang out." He said.

"O-oh. It's okay you can hang out with your girlfriend."

"Its okay I need some time with another boy I spend a lot of time with her. Not that I don't like it but I need a little break."

"Ok. You can come over my house after."

"Ok sounds good." He said as we sat down in first period.


Me and Jay walk into lunch together. We sit down at the table he usually sits at. I feel someone tap my shoulder and I turn around and see Alli with her arms crossed.

"Your in my seat." She says with an attitude.

"O-oh I'm sorry I'll move." I say not wanting to start an argument.

I was about to get up when Justin grabs my arm.

"Alli, there is plenty of room on the other side of the table."

"So what? He shouldn't even be sitting with us. What does he do for us?" She says.

Before anyone else says anything, I get out of Justin's grip and get up. I walk to a table that was away from theres. I see Justin staring at me looking like he's feeling bad. I just stayed on my phone the whole time.

°End of school day°

Justin didn't talk to me for the rest of the day. Probably because I kept my distant in classes. He would keep looking at me though.

I'm at my locker now and I see Justin walk up beside me looking down. He looks up at me with tears in his eyes.

"Hey what's wrong?" I say holding his cheeks and looking into his eyes.

"C-can we just go to y-your house and talk?"

"Of course."

We walk out to our cars and head to my house. I get there first and wait for him. I see him pull in and he walks in slowly. I grab his hand and bring him to the couch and sit us down.

"Talk to me please."

Cliffhanger sorry lmao. If you guys want me to update again today c+v.
5 comments (not from the same person) and 15-20 votes for me to update again today 😙😜
°Samantha Sarno°

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