Chapter 19 ♾

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Raegan's pov:

"How dare you say that dad! Justin is so unique and amazing. We love each other please let it go already. I'm not going to stop dating him becuase of you, i'm sick of this!" I yell at him. I was pissed.

Before my mind processed whay happened next, I felt a stinging pain in my cheek. My father just slapped me across the face. I fell back a little and I hear Justin gasp as he did. My eyes watered and I looked at him with hurt in my eyes. He's never hit me before.

"Dad?" I whisper sounding hurt, as I was.

My eyes unlocked from his as Justin got in front of me and looked me in the eyes. He looked like he was about to cry. He rubbed my cheek.

"A-are you okay?" He asks.

"Get away from him." My dad says pulling him away from me.

"Don't you fucking dare touch Justin!" I yell at him.

He shoves Justin to the side and he falls to the ground. He scoots away from my dad.

"Dad I will never forgive you for this. Get out of my room." I said still holding my cheek.

"Not until he leaves I don't trust you two." He says.

"I will make him leave please just get out!" I raise my voice.

He glances at Justin and back at me. He takes a deep breath and walks out. I lock my door quick and look at Justin. He looks so scared. He gets up and hugs me.

"Oh my god baby you have a big red mark on your cheek are you alright?" He asks.

I nod and sit on my bed. Can I keep doing this? Can I keep putting Justin in danger with my dad. He's out of his mind what if he goes psycho one day and seriously hurts him. And he's so scared for me. I don't want to do this, but I need to.

"What are you thinking about?" He asks.

"Justin, this can't keep happening."

"What do you mean?"

"Me! Putting you in danger with my father. I don't trust him around you. And look your terrified for me. I can't keep putting this pressure on you." I say tearing up.

"No no please don't do this. I'll help you we are in this together babe I promise."

"No Justin this isn't working right now. There's drama in school about us and now we are having trouble here."

"So you fucking care what people at school think?" He asks a little annoyed.

"That's not what I said. Jay this isn't working for us at the moment. Please we need to accept this for a while."

He starts crying and shaking.

"Please Rae I love you!"

"I love you too Jay. Just- please we need this."

He shakes his head and hugs me.

"I'm sorry I can't keep putting this weight on your shoulders. You don't deserve this."

He looks at me and kisses me.

"Bye Raegan."

And he runs out of my room and slams the door. I just did that. I just broke up with the only boy I have ever loved in my life. I didn't want to. I didn't- no I did need to. He doesn't deserve this right now. He doesn't deserve me.

I jump on my bed and start crying. I hear my door open. I know its my dad.

"I hope you're happy dad. You got what you wanted. Anything else?" I say with attitude and hurt in my voice.

He sighs and walks out closing the door again. I drift to sleep. I'm sorry Justin I love you.

°Next morning°

I woke up sweating. Holy shit. I got up and looked in the mirror. My face was red and wet from tears. My eyes has bags under them and I looked exhausted. I'm not ready to see Justin in school 😧.

I walk into school and go to my locker. I see Justin and his. I couldn't really tell but he looked tired as hell too. Poor thing. Did I do the right thing?

I turn around and see Justin sitting in front of his. He's looking at the ground with his knees up to his chest. The bell rings and I don't move. Neither does he. Everyone gets to class and soon we are the only people on the hallway. He looks up at me and we start into each other's eyes. Damn those eyes. Fuck. I miss him so much. I miss hugging and kissing him in the morning. I miss calling him baby and baby boy. I miss having the title "boyfriend" with him.

I shut my locker and walk off to my next class. I want to think I did the right thing but now I'm second guessing myself. He knows I didn't want to. I still love the shit out of this boy. I need to talk to my dad after school.


I walk to lunch not wanting to go. Will I sit next to Justin. I won't mind I want to try to be friends with him at least before I get my dad to change his mind.

I walk in and see Justin already sitting there. He has his head down on the table. Alli was across from him just sitting there, eating. I hesitate, but go sit next to Justin. He lifs his head and looks at me.

"Hey I-"

He gets up before I finish my sentence and leaves the table. I see him sit at another table by himself and put his head down again. I text him.

Me- Justin please can we be friends. You know I never wanted to break up with you. I love you i'm sorry you don't deserve this.

I look back and see him looking at his phone. He looks like he's about to cry as he gets up and runs out.

"What's his problem?" Alli asks me.

I look at her but don't answer. I get up and run out to find Justin. I go to the bathroom but nothing. I run around the halls not caring if I got in trouble. I finally see him sitting in front of his locker with his head in his hands.

Hope you enjoyed....😂 plz c+v! I'm in school and I want to die lmao

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