Chapter 15 ♾

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Sorry I published this by accident when I wasn't done but now it's done lol.
Raegan's pov:

It's morning now and I kept waking up and crying and then sleeping again. Im so I'm tired I don't want to go to school but I guess I will. I want to see Justin.

I get out of bed and get ready. I go downstairs praying no one is home. And thank god there isnt. I eat some cereal real quick and got in my car with my stuff. I drove to school and went inside.

I went to my locker and then saw Justin. He turned around and looked at me. It looks like he's been crying. I walked up to him and tackled him in a hug. I picked him up and went so his back was against the lockers. He was hugging me so tight so I did the same. He started to cry. I feel so bad. I walked through the halls and went to a closet. Maybe the janitors closet I don't know. I locked tbe door and set him down.

"No please don't cry." I say rubbing his cheek.

"D-do we have to b-break up?" He says sounding broken.

"N-no. No I don't care what my dad says. You just cant come over anymore I guess. But I can go over your house. And everyone knows we are dating here sot that's good." I said.

He hugged me again.

"Thank god. I don't want to lose you."

"You're not baby, and I'm not loosing you. I love you." I said.

"I love you too." He said.

"Let's go to class."

He nods and we walk out. We sit in first class and pay attention. Shocking I know.

°End of the school day°

I went to my house and Justin went to his house. I wanted to hang out with him. Maybe I can go over there.

Me- hey babe can I come over?
Baby😩💋- I was just about to text you. Of course see you soon 💋
Me- Ok ❤

I get my charger and go downstairs. I see my mom watching tv.

"Mom I'm going to a friend's house."

"What friend?"

"J-just a kid that asked me at hang out."

"Sweetie I kmow you are going to see Justin. I'm okay with it. I won't tell your father go have fun."

"Thank you mom I love you."

"I love you too. Come home tonight please."

"I will."

I walk out the door to my car. It took me maybe 5 minutes until I arrived at his house. I went up to his door and knocked. He opened it with a smile on his face. I walked in and gave him a kiss.

"Oh..." I hear as I pull away.

Justin and I both look at the stairs. I see a girl. Maybe our age a little older.

"Hey Jess. Eavesdropping I see?"

"I was just coming down the stairs. Sorry *laughs*"

Who is that? She seemed cool.

"Who is that Justin?"

"Oh, Raegan this is my sister Jess. She's visiting from college. (Did y'all get scared? 😂 I know be really doesn't have a sister.) Jess this is my boyfriend, Raegan."

She shakes my hand with a smile on her face.

"It's nice to meet you." She said.

"Same to you." I said.

"Soooo...." she trails off. "You two are dating?"

We both nod.

"Since when are you gay Jay?" (Ha! That rhymed😂 ok I'll go now)

"I don't know *laughs*"

She laughs too and then looks at me.

"Hes a good kid. Treat him good." She said.

"I plan on to." I said kissing his head and he blushes.

"It was nice meeting you Raegan. I need to go do my homework. Wish me luck."

"You too Jess. Have fun."

I laugh and I see her look back at me while walking up the stairs and laughs.

"I really like her." I said to Justin.

"Yea. She's sweet."

He pulls my arm to the couch and I sit down. He sits down next to me leaning his body against my left side. He plays with his fingers like he nervous.

"W-why doesn't your dad accept you?" He asks.

"*sighs* I don't know. He never has. So I'm used to it."

"Aww that's sad. Both my mom and dad have supported me my whole life. I'm sorry."

"Hey. What are you going go do? It's fine I promise." I say

"Ok. But-"

I cut him off by taking him and putting him on my lap. He looks at me.

"Don't worry about him baby. I don't care what he says he's pretty much out of my life. We never got along so at this point I couldn't care less. I love you and he is the least of my problems. Alright?" I say.

He smiles.

"Alright." He says.

"You're cute."

"Hmm..why thank you *laughs*"

He kisses me and pulls away still close to my face. He looks into my eyes with a serious face. He kisses me again and we start to move our lips together. He wraps his arms around my neck and I put my hands on his hips. Our small kisses turn into a makeout was my hands make my way to his lower back, then to his ass. He puts rubs his hands on my chest down to my stomach.

"Get a room you two."

We pull away and see Jess smirking on the stairs.

"We don't need a room. We like an audience." Jay says winking at her.

"You're crazy Justin. Okay you two have fun." She said.

"Thanks. We will." I said.

She went to the kitchen and Justin looked at me.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"I love you most."

"Nahhhhh." I say laughing.

Okay honestly I had like no idea what I was doing for this chapter at all. So here ya go. Not the best but who gaf 😂 Plz c+v loves ❤👏
°Samantha Sarno°

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