Chapter 7 ♾

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Raegan's pov:

After a little while of trying to ignore the death stare Alli was giving me and talking to Justin, she interupts.

"*fake coughs*"

We both look at her and she's smiling.

"Babe want to come over after school?"

"I can't." He says.

"Why not?"

"Because I don't want to." He said and smirked.

At this point, the whole table was looking at us.

"Excuse me?" She asked.

"In fact, now that I think about it, I don't even want to be in a relationship with you anymore."

My eyes open wide and he looks at me and back at her. The whole table looks shocked also.

"W-what?" She said looking confused.

"Did I stutter?"

"W-what did I do?" She asked acting all innocent.

"Oh my god don't even ask me that. First you tell me I can't be friends with Raegan anymore. Now you are giving him a death start because I wanted him to sit next to me. Your so pathetic." He said loudly.

I look around and now see almost the whole lunch room staring.

"B-but why do you care about him? You should care about me!" She said.

"Just, don't! We're over. I'm done with you." He said.

Oh shit.

"Your an asshole." She in my face.

She gets up and was about to walk out until Justin stood up.

"Alli?" He yells.

She turns around looks at him.

"The next time you talk to Rae like that your going to get bitch slapped alright?"

"Why the fuck do you care so much about him? He just got here! What is so special about him please tell me because I can't see it!" She yells.

I get up quick and grab his arm.

"Stop Rae."

"No it's okay don't worry about her I don't care."

"Well I do!" He yelled.

He gets out of my grip and goes up to her.

"Slap me I dare you." She said looking at him.

He stayed quick for a second.

"No. I'm going to do this intead." He said and walked over to me. Her and everyone else was looking.

"*whispers* sorry." He said.

Before I could answer he grabs the back of my neck and smashing his lips into mine. The whole room gasps.

Is this real life? Holy shit. The amount of fireworks I feel right now is uncountable.

I kiss back and he pulls away after maybe 3 seconds. I look into his eyes and then he looks at Alli. Her mouth is open and her eyes are wide. She stomps out pissed. He turns around and looks back at me. I'm still processing what just happened.

He takes my hand and pulls me to the bathroom. We get in and just stare in each other's eyes.

"I-im sorry I wanted her to get jelous and-"

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