Chapter 11 ♾

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Raegan's pov:

Justin and I walked back to his house and went inside. His mom was right there.

"Are you boys okay?"

"Yea we just went for a walk." Justin said.


Justin took my upstairs and I sat on his bed. He closes his door and gets on lap facing me. He wraps his arms around my neck and puts his head in my neck. I hold his wiast and we stay there enjoying each other's company.

"You know I've loved you, like....for a while now." I said.

"How long? I bet I have longer."

I blush.

"Now that I think about it, I feel like it was love at first sight for me. The second you walked into the office and we locked eyes, I knew I didn't want you as a friend. I wanted you as more."

"Then I guess we were tied for that question."

I laughed a little at his response. He loved me that long too. Wow.

We sit there in silence for a little until I felt his head turn a little. He started kissing my neck gently. Then I felt him roam around my neck and he found my sweet spot. He started sucking a little on that stop and I let out a faint moan. He smirked against my skin and stopped. He layed his head on my shoulder again.

"I'm sure you wouldn't mind me giving you a hickey but I don't want your mom seeing."

"Thanks. *laughs* What time is it?"

He sits up on my lap and grabs his phone.

"7 o'clock."

"I should get home." I said.


"Goodnight baby I'll see you tomorrow."

"Ok babe."

I was about to walk out,



"Do you- do you mind if we keep, ya know, us a secret for a little."

"Of course. I understand."

"Thank you."

He gets up and pecks my lips.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too."

I walked out and got in my car. I smile to myself and drive home. I get there and go inside. My mom was on the couch.

"Hi sweetie. Did you have fun?"

"Yea, Yea I did." I said smiling.

"Have a good night ill see you in the morning."

"Ok goodnight."

I walk upstairs and get in the shower quick. I get out and put on some shorts. I lay in bed and go on my phone. I see a text.

Baby💋😩- Goodnight baby. I'll see you tomorrow have a good sleep. I love you and miss you already 😩😙

He's the cutest thing I swear.

Me- Same to you babe. I love you and miss you much more 😘🙊

I sent it and put my phone on the charger. I got under my blankets and drifted to sleep.

I woke up to my stomach killing me. I got up and ran to my bathroom in my room. I leaned over the toilet and threw up. I sat down next to the toilet and puked every 5 seconds. Omg my head is pounding too. I can't go to school today.

I got up and went to my phone. I texted justin.

Me- Morning babe I'm not feeling good. I just threw up and my stomach is killing me. Have a good day at school though I love you.

I sent it and saw he read it right away. Then he was typing.

Baby💋😩- Aww do you want me to skip school and bring you anything? Medicine, anything?

I smile to myself. He's so caring it's adorable.

Me- No no please go to school I'll be okay. Text me later.
Baby💋😩- I'm coming over later. But okay I will. I love you.
Me- I love you more baby boy.

I set my phone down and I hear my door open.

"No school?" My mom asks.

"No I feel terrible."

"Ok feel better sweetie. I'm heading off to work. Love you."

"Love you too mom."

She leaves and I lay down. My eyes get heavy and I fell asleep.

I woke up and I was sweating. Ugh I still feel terrible. I thought maybe sleep would help. But nope.

I leaned over and grabbed my phone. Justin gets out of school in ten minutes. I'm sure he'll text me soon. I stay on my phone and play some games until I get that text.

Baby💋😩- Hey I'm out of school. Can I come over? And would you like anything?
Me- Yea you can and if you don't mind bringing me some medicine I would appreciate it.
Baby💋😩- Of course. Anything for my sick baby. I'll see you soon😘
Me- Love you 💋 See you soon

I put my phone down and watch some tv. I hear at knock at my bedroom door.

"Come in." I say because I can't yell.

I see my baby walk in with a bag of medicine, ice cream, and tissues.

"Hi. How are you feeling?" He asks coming over to me.

I sit up on my bed a little but he tells me to lay down and go easy.

"Still shitty. Thanks for all the stuff though."

"Of course."

He gives me the medicine and rubs my forehead.

"Babe your forehead is burning up and you're so pale."

"I know *sniff*"

He leans down to kiss me but I stop him.

"No no your not getting sick." I said.

"But I want a kiss." He says pouting.

"Well I'm sorry I don't want you to get sick."

I sit up a little and he hands me the ice cream.

"Thank you."

"Of course."

We watch tv until I decide to break the silence.

"How was school?" I ask

"It was fine. Boring without you though."

I laugh at that.

"Alli keeps trying to make a move on me though and it's really annoying." He said.

"Oh." I say looking down at my ice cream.

"But don't worry. She won't do anything to change my mind. I love you and only you."

"I love you and only you too."

He kisses my forehead and I lay back down.

Cute chapter? Why not. Hope you enjoyed. Plz c+v if you liked this chapter 😘😁
°Samantha Sarno°

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