Chapter 3 ♾

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Raegan's pov:

When the movie ends, I see Justin is alsleep holding my arm. I giggle and look at him. He's so adorable. No Rae stop hes dating a girl and he only likes you as a friend. Bug I can't stop. He's just so perfect.

I get interrupted by someome coming in. Im guessing its his mom getting home. She comes in where we are and smiles at us.

Convo in whispers.

"Hello. Are you one of Justin's friends?  I've never seen you over."

"O-oh yes ma'am I am. I'm new to the school and invited me over. Hope you don't mind."

"Not at all sweety whats your name?"


"Nice to meet you Raegan. You two look very cute *laughs*"

I just laugh and look back at Justin sleeping peacefully.

"Well, dinner will be ready in 15." She says.

"Ok. I'll wake him up soon."

Whispering over.

She gets up and walk go the kitchen. A few minutes later I decide to wake Justin up. I shake him a little.

"Justin. Justin wake up." I say and I see him slowly open his eyes.

"Your mom's making dinner come on get up." I say.

He groans and snuggles his head in my arm closing his eyes again.

"But I'm so comfy." He whines.

"Come on please." I beg.

He opens one eye and pretends to make a mad face.

"Your not mad at me you butt." I say laughing.

He laughs too and we both sit up. I stand up and he just sits there yawning.

"I got like no sleep last night." He says rubbing his eyes.

"Aww I'm sorry. After dinner I'll bring you upstairs."

He nods and stands up. We walk to the kitchen and sit down.

How does he make me feel so confident. When I'm only around him, I don't feel shy really. I feel like I've known him forever but it's been less than a day. That's crazy. He's like my best friend.

"Raegan!" I hear someone say.

I snap out of my thoughts and look at Justin.


"What are you thinking about?" He asks.

"Oh n-nothing."

His mom puts a plate of chicken down in front of us. It looked really good. She sat down and we started to eat.

"So, Raegan, your new to the school right? Did you move or-?"

"Oh I was homeschooled my whole life. Today was my first day in a real school."

"Wow okay. Well I'm glad you have someone like Justin to be your boyfriend."

As she said that I almost chocked on my chicken and fucking died. I saw Justin also almost choke on his water.

"Umm me and Justin aren't dating."

Inside it hurt me to say that.

"But you two on the couch?"

"Mom, we are just friends. I'm straight and have a girlfriend you know that." Justin said.

"Okay okay whatever you say *laughs*"

Justin looks at me in embaressment. After we finish eating at both thank his mom and get up from the table. We go up go jay's room and he jumps right on his bed and lays down.

"Do you want to spend the night?" He asks sounding tired.

"I want to but I'm not sure what my mom will say."

I take out my phone and text her. 

Me- mom can I stay the night at Justin's?
Mom😗- Not tonight honey please it's the first day of school. Maybe in a day or two.
Me- Ok. Be home soon.

I shut my phone off and look at Justin.

"My mom said no. I have to get going." I say to him.

"Oh...ok. I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yea Definitly."

I get to and am about to walk out the door when I hear Justin.


I turn around.


He gets out of bed and comes over to hug me. I hug back after a second and smile.

"Goodnight Rae."

"Goodnight Jay"

And I head out the door.
(Im going to start off like this bc you guys don't care about hus morning  routine it's boring)
I head to my locker and open it not seeing Justin yet. After putting in my books, I close it and see Justin at his locker across the hall. I was about to walk up to him until I see Alli go up to him and they start talking. I see them start kissing and I just walk away to first period. I walk in and sit down.

I'm trying hard not to like Justin because he has a girlfriend and only likes me as a friend. But it's hard, becuase I think I do. I can't let that affect my friendship with Justin. I just hate seeing him with Alli. It hurts me.

I see Justin walk in and sit next to me. He smiles at me and I give him a weak smile. The teacher comes in and the bell rings.


I walk in lunch a little late because I went to the bathroom but I walked in and saw Justin with his friends and Alli. Justin his arm around her lower back and she had one arm around his waist.

I went and sat at a table by myself and played on my phone. The second I looked up I saw Justin looking at me. I looked back down at my phone. Then I glance up again and him getting up and coming over to me. He sits down and smiles.

"Hi." He says.

"Hey." I say looking down at my phone.

"Do you want to come sit with me and my friends?" He asks.

I look up from phone.

"Umm no I'm okay. Thanks."

"Why not?"

"I just want to be alone please."

"But I don't want you to be loney. Come on."

"No I'm fine." I say getting up and walking out.

"Raegan?!" I hear Justin yell.

I ignore him and just walk out. I don't want to deal with this. I walk out of the school and go to my car. I drive home and go inside. I lay on the couch and just think about Justin. But I can't! He's straight and has a girlfriend. We are just friends. That's all we are.

Hope you all enjoyed 😩😊 Please c+v if you want me to update ayain today♾
°Samantha Sarno°

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