Chapter 24 ♾

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Raegan's pov:

She leans in quick and kisses me. I pull away fast.

"Woah Alli you know I still love Justin." I say as I scoot away from her on my bed.

"I-im so sorry. I Think I have feelings for you i'm sorry I wasn't thinking."

"You like me?" I ask.

She looks down at her lap and nods. She gets up and to the door but I grab her arm.

"No you don't have to leave." I say.

"No I'm just such an embarrassment i just want to die." She said.

My face turns into shock as I pull her arm carefully because of her cuts. I sit on my bed and have her sit next to me.

"No Alli your not an embarrassment and don't say that please. It's okay I promise." I say.

She leans her head on my shoulder.

"No I just ruin everything. You don't want to be my friend. I just kissed you and said I liked you."

"I don't care. Of course I still want to be your friend. You don't need to hide your feelings. I just love Justin and I'm gay so."

She nods and yawns. I crawl back on my bed so my back was against the head board. She just looks at me. I pat the bed next to me.

"Come on you look tired. Let's watch some tv." I said.

"Are you sure? I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable or-"

"Your fine come here." I say cutting her off.

She comes and lays next to me, leaning her head on my chest.

"I'm sorry I- I just really like you. I don't know when I started, I guess just when you started helping me." She said.

"It's alright. Promise me something though?"


"Promise me you won't ever cut again. Or say you you want die. Because your not alone. And you have me to talk to whenever, I'm always here. Or if you think about it, maybe a therapist."

"I'm not going to therapist. I'll stick with talking to you. And I promise." She said.

I hug her and she keeps her head burried in my chest. I turn the tv on and a few minutes later I hear her faint snores.

I got my phone and saw my dad texted me.

Dad- Went to work for a while. They called and told me to come in. Text you after.
Me- Ok.

Then I also realized I got a text from Justin.

Jay❤🤷- Your dad home?
Me- no.

He texts back right away.

Jay❤🤷- Ok.

Why did he want to know that? Is he coming over? I don't know he didn't say anything.

I put my phone down and watch tv while Alli sleeps. A few minutes later I see her start to wake up.

"That was like a 10 minute nap." I say.

"Yea. Well it felt good."

I laugh a little and she stays in the position she was in before. Then the door opens.

"Hey Rae what's-" he stops as he sees me and Alli.

"Hi Justin." I say.

She gets her head off my chest and sits up.

"What's going on?" He asks.

"Nothing. Alli was just tired so-"

"So you let her sleep on your chest?" He asks annoyed.

"Well, yea."

"Justin nothing is going on I promise. He just invited me over because I didn't want to go home." Alli said.

"Rae this is so stupid why are helping her?" He asks.

"Justin I'm helping her because she needs some love. Stop"

"So you love her?"

"That's not what I meant and you know it. Stop acting like this, nothing is going on." I said.

"You shouldn't trust her."

"Why? I shouldn't because she's your ex huh? That means nothing." I said.

"Stop please." Alli said pleading.

"This is what I'm talking about! I ruin everying and I'm such a disgrace." She said.

"No no it's not your-"

"Yes it is you two are fighting because of me! This is all happening because of me." She said cutting me off.

"No its not your fault I promise." I say.

"Yes it is. Why don't you just leave my man alone." Justin said.

"Justin!" I say in like "stop" voice.

She sighs and looks at me.

"Thanks for helping me Rae these past few days but I just ruin everything. I don't want to get in you two's way, so I'll stay away." She said.

"You don't have to stay away from me it's-"

"Yes Rae just please stay away from me I'm no good for anyone." She said and ran out.

"Alli?" I yell.

I get out of bed and walk over to Justin.

"Stay away from her she is no good. And why would you cuddle with her Rae?"

"Justin I was just trying to be nice and help her. She's changed." I said.

"No she hasn't. Don't fall for her tricks." He said.

I try to hug but he back away.

"I love you." I said.

"Do you?"

"Justin I don't like Alli." I said.

He ignores me and walks out of my room, downstairs. How did my life get so complicated? My friend and the boy I love just walked out on me.

I run downstairs and see him getting in his car. He looks at me quick and continues to get in his car. He drives away and I go to the couch. I pull out my phone and text him.

Me- Jay i promise nothing is going on I still love you I never stopped and I will never stop. I felt bad for Alli okay if I was in that situation I would want someone to help me.

I sent it and quick and didn't bother texting Alli. I'll try to talk to her in school. My phone went off.

Jay❤🤷- I love you too. See you tomorrow.

Good enough for now I guess. I get up and go up to my room. I lay on my bed and stare off into space. My eyes get heavy and I fall sleep 😩.

Woah and update last night and this morning I'm so good 😂 hope you enjoyed reading! What's going to happen🤷🤷 plz c+v if you love me ❤😩
°Samantha Sarno°

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