Chapter 13 ♾

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°End of the school day° *smut this chapter*
Raegan's pov:

I've been anxious all day. It was finally the end of the day and I was at my locker. I walked past Justin to walk out. He looked at me and I winked. I walked out the school doors before he could do or say anything.

I got in my car and drive home. I got home and waiting on the couch. My mom gets home like 3 hours after I get home. So I'm not worried about getting caught. 😏

I heard a knock at the door and I go to answer. I open it and there stands Justin. He smirks and walks in. I close the door and he throws the pack at me. (Protection....😂)I laugh and put it in my pocket. We walk to the couch.

"Good you got the right size." I saud.

"Of course I did." He said sounding obvious.

Smut 😏😶
He sits down and I couldn't wait any longer. I sat on his lap and started to kiss him right away. I went rough and he got the hint and did the same. We we kissed I heard him whisper "more"  and I lost it. I got off his lap, not disconnecting our lips, and picked him up. I walked upstairs with him and went in my room. He ran his fingers through my hair and pulled a little. That turned me on. I locked my door and set him on my bed. I got on top of him and we continues to make out until he had the strength to flip us over. He was on top of me now and he kissed around my neck.

He sucked on my neck and left hickeys. He pulled on my shirt and I took it off quick. He went down my neck to my chest and sucked all around. He rubbed his hands up and down my abs as he gave me hickeys on my chest. I moaned at his actions. It hurt a little, he sucked hard.😏But it felt good.

"Wow I though you were innocent." I said.

"Who ever said that?"

I eventually flipped him over so I was on top. I took his shirt off and his pants right away. I sucked on his chest as he unbuttoned my pants. He took the condom out and put it beside us on the bed.  He slid them off and threw them next to the bed.

"Are you sure?" I asked against his chest.

"Positive." He said quitly.

Rae has top and bottom. Jay just has top.
He brought my face back up to his and we kissed sloppily. My boner sprung up to my stomach  I tugged on his boxers. He squeezed my hand I knew he was scared. I pulled away and looked into his eyes.

"Its okay I won't judge you I promise. I  love you."

He nods and I take off his boxers. I rub his cl•t and he bits his lip trying to cover his moans.

"Let me hear you." I said.

I stick a finger in and he moans. I start with 1 and get to 4. When the 4 finger goes in and he jumps and whimpers.

"Too much? I can go easier?" I ask.

He shakes his head.

"No no keep going." He moans.

So I do. Once he cums on my hand and moans loud. I clean it up. I kiss him again and slide my boxers off. I take the condom and put it on. I see he looks nervous.

"I'll go easy I promise baby. Calm down." I say calmly.

He nods and I go in slowly. I immediately see tears in his eyes and he clenches his fists.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"I-it hurts." He says.

"I can stop."

"No no I'm okay."

I lean down and kiss him.

"It will feel better in a minute."

He nods and I start thrusting again. As I get a little faster, his back arches and he moans. His eyes roll back as he speaks.

"G-go faster." He barely got out.

And I did. I did until I couldn't go any faster. I groaned.

"Ahh Raaae fuck." He yells.

A few minutes later, we cum at the same time and I pull out. I throw the condom out and lay done next to Justin. We were both out of breath and I looked at him. He looked at me and smiled.

"You were amazing." I said.

He blushes and comes closer to me. Our bodies touching, he rests his head on my chest and looked at my hickeys.

"I gave you a lot of hickeys *laughs*"  he said.

"*laughs* its okay. I'm sure I gave you a lot too." I said.

I looked at his chest and saw about the same amount on his chest as mine.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you more." He said.

"Don't even start." I said laughing.


We watch some t.v. until I heard a knock at my door.

"Raegan?" I heard. Oh shit my mom.

"Oh shit." I said getting up.

"One second." I yelled.

He got up too and we both put our boxers, shirts, and pants on quick. I opened the door and saw my mom.

"Making dinner now. Are you- oh, hi Justin."

"Hey." He says.

"Saying for dinner?" She asks.

"I don't think I can. Thanks anyway." He says.

She nods and walks away down the stairs. I shut the door.

"I should get home." He says.


I hug him and he hugs back. I let go and he kisses me gently.

"I love you so much baby. I'm glad my first time was with you."

"Me too babe. I love you so much too." He blushed.

He walked out and I layed down. Man, he's amazing.

Okay I know I know, that smut was a little weak. I can do better than that 😏 You'll see when I make my smut book...coming soon.😂💦 Plz c+v if you enjoyed!
°Samantha Sarno°

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