Chapter 29♾

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(Great Idea from reader thank you am Ily sm❤ you know who you are)
Raegan's pov:

Justin and I saw each other in the parking lot so we walking into school together. We do what we have to do at our lockers and walk around for a little while. We couldn't find Alli anywhere. I guess we will have to wait.

°Period before lunch°

I was in class writing down some answers to questions when my phone starts vibrating. I raise my hand and she let's me take it in the hallway. So I do.

R- Hello?
?- Hi is this Raegan beast?
R- umm yes who is this?
?- I'm a nurse at the nearest hospital. Your friend Alli is here.
R- What why?

I got really nervous. What happened?

N- She won't tell us why she did it but she cut very deep in her wrist and thighs. She's not doing too good but she's asking for you.
R- On my way.

I hang up quick and go back in the class to get my bag. I tell the teacher and she let's me go. I run to Justin's class. I knock on the door and the teacher let's me in.

"Justin please come here." I say practically shaking.

He sees I look scared and jumps out of his seat and comes over to me.

"Please we need to leave now."


"Just Please I'll explain on the way."

He grabs his bag and I take his hand. We run out of the building and in my car. I start driving right away.

"Ok now tell me what's going on." He says.

"A-alli's in the hospital." I say.

"Oh I thought it was worse."

"Stop Justin I'm worried about her."

"Why is she there?"

"The nurse called me and said she cut deep in her wrist and thighs. She's asking for me."

"Oh shit."


We get there and I run inside. Justin takes his time.

"I'm here to see Alli Witter." I say to the girl at the desk.

"Ok let me call a nurse out here. Take a seat."

I nod and sit down. I look at my hands and I'm shaking uncontrollably. I take deep breaths.

"Hey it'll be okay." Justin says sitting next to me.

"I hope so." I say.

I look at him and he kisses me. I kiss back and he pulls away.

"I love you so much." He says.

"I love you so much too."

"Raegan Beast?" I hear.

I look at the nurse.


"Come with me."

I get up and look at Justin. "I'll give you some privacy with her." He says.

I lean down and kiss him again quick and then follow the nurse. She takes me to a room and tells me to be gentle. I walk in and see her looking the opposite direction of me.

"A-alli?" I say quietly. She turns her head and looks at me. I walk over to the bed.

She has a tubes in her arms. I carefully move her arm so I can see her wrist. I see all the cuts. Multiple up her arm. She watches my every move.

"Why would you this?" I ask gently.

"Because I don't want to be here anymore. My life's a mess and I just make it worse." She says quietly.

"Don't say that please. I'm here for you why wouldn't you let me help."

"Because, an amazing guy like you doesn't deserve to be in a situation where you have to help and deal with me. You should be happy."

"So should you." I say right after she finishes.

"Well I'm not."

"What made you do this? Talk to me and I'm not leaving until you do."

"I told you already. My mom. She abuses me and makes me feel worthless. And people at school still bother me. I can't take it Rae." She says.

"This is never the answer though. Please you can always come to me I care about you. It's not obvious yet?"

"Yea, it is."

"Promise me you'll never do it again."

"I-i can't."

"Listen, at least promise me you'll come to me when you have a problem."

"Ok I promise." She smiles a little. I smile back. I hug her gently.

"I-i love you Raegan." She says.

"I love you too, as a friend."

"Mine is more than that."

"You actually love me?" I ask a little shocked. She nods her head.

I stand tbere shocked for a minute just staring at her when Justin comes in.

"Hey. Alli how are you doing?" He asks.

"Oh you came?"

"Well yea. So how are you?"

"Not great." She says.

He then hugs me around my waist and grabs my chin. He tilts my head down and kisses me. I kiss back but I feel bad for Alli. He shifts his body in front of mine and keeps kissing me. It turns into a little makeout until I pull away. I see Alli staring at us looking upset.

"Want to get home?" He asks.

"Another minute please?" I ask. He nods. "Get better Alli." He says and walks out. I look at her.

"So, whenever you have a problem, please come to me. I'll help. Can I do anything right now?"

"Break up with Justin." She says.

"Woah Alli no way."


"Because I love Justin so much and I don't like you like that. You're my friend I'm sorry."

"Ok whatever." She says turning her head.

I lean down and get close to her face. "Text me okay?" She just nods. I kiss her cheek fast and walk out of the room. I go out in the sitting room and see Justin sitting down. He gets up when he sees me.

"Let's go." I say and grab his hand. We walk out to the car and get in. I drive back to the school so he can get his car.

"See you tomorrow baby boy." I say.

"See you tomorrow babe." He kisses me I smile. He always gets my mind out of the bad places.

"I love you." He says.

"Yea, I love you too."

Feel better Alli 😞😩

Oooo hope you enjoyed. Plz comment and vote bb's ❤❤❤
°Samantha Sarno°

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