Chapter 32 ♾

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Raegan's pov:

°End of the school day°

I rushed to my locker and put some books away. I slam it and walk fast out the school. I need to get this over with fast. I drive home and go inside.

"Anyone here?" I yell. No answer. Good no one is home.

I go to the couch and sit down. I wait for Justin. I'm shaking so bad. I realize it wasn't right in the moment we were in. I should have just looked away and not let it happen. I have a boyfriend. An amazing boyfriend who I fought for, for weeks with my father. And now I cheated on him. What the fuck kind of logic does that make?

I hear the door open and Justin step inside. He closes the door keeping his eyes on me. I watch his every move as well. He comes over and stands a little  distance away.

"Hi." Is all he says. "Sit down please." I say.

He nods and sits down. Not too close to me though. "Tell me what's going on your scaring me."

I took a deep breath and got really nervous. "Ok."

"So I went to Alli's and I talked to her. She's doing better. I told her she can talk to me about anything. Then she told me she loved me. We kept talking-"

"Woah woah what?" His eyes went wide. I was hoping he wouldn't catch on.

"She told you she loved you?" I nod. "O-oh shit, is that all?" I shake my head "No."

"Justin before I tell you, I just want you to know that I love you and only you. This was a one time thing I regret more than anything. I'm sorry." I say.

"Rae just tell me please." He begs.

"We k-k-kissed." I said quietly. He just looks me and his face slowly morphs into disappointment.


"I'm sorry Justin I'm so sorry. It just kind of happened. We promised we would never speak of it again but I couldn't not tell you. I felt nothing I swear please I only love you. P-please." I say.

"Raegan i-i....."

His eyes get teary and so do mine. "I'm sorry." I whisper. He looks away from me. He wipes his tears and gets up.

He walks slowly to the door but I get up quick and grab his arm. He looks at me. He looks so broken, what have I done?

"Raegan w-why? It just makes it worse because she's my ex."

Holy shit I totally forgot about that.

"I'm sorry, I love you."

He shakes his head and pulls away from me. He starts actually crying and walks out of my house. "Please babe." I yell. He ignores me.

He gets in his car and drives away. I with my back against the screen door. I start to cry in my hands. What's wrong with me?

I grab my phone.

Me- baby please I'm so sorry I only love you. You're my everything.

It says he seen it but no text back.

Me- I can't live without you.

I burst out crying again and fall to the floor. My phone goes off and I check it quick. It's from, Alli?

Alli😊- Raegan you might want to come over rn.
Me- I don't think that's a good idea.
Alli😊- Justin just pulled up in my driveway.

As I read that, my heart stopped. Why is he there?

Me- Coming now.

I get up, grab my car keys, and run to my car. I drive as quick as I can there and get out. I see Justin car. I go up to her door and open it. I stand there silently as I see Justin's back turned to me. He's standing in front of Alli.

"Why don't you just leave my boyfriend alone alright! He didn't want to kiss you and he doesn't love you. He's my boyfriend, not yours."

I take a step forward. "Justin?"

He turns around. "What are you doing here?" He asks.

"What are you doing here?" I say making my voice raise on "you".

"She needs to understand that's you're mine. She's trying to take you from me." He says.

"No she's not baby. I kissed her it wasn't her fault. I'm so sorry."

I walk up to him and look into his eyes. "I love you."  I say.

He walks around me and I turn around. "If you love me, you won't talk or hang out with Alli anymore."

"You're making me choose!?"

"Yes Raegan. Come over later when you make your decision." He says and walks out.

I look at Alli. "I-im sorry." I say. "Why?"

"Alli I can't lose him."

"Rae please don't do this."

"I need to. I love him and I don't show of enough. I'll talk to you later." I say and run out of her house.

I hear her yell my name but I ignore her. I get in car and drive away fast. I speed right to Justin's house. I get out and knock on his door. He answers. I walk in and hug him tight. He gets out of my grip and looks at me.

"Alright I'm done with her okay." I say.


"Yes. I realize that ever since me and her became friends, I haven't shown you how much I love you. And I do really love you more than anything. I'm all yours okay."

He smiles. "I love you too baby." He kisses me and it was full of love.

We go upstairs to his room and play some music and cuddle. I play the song that started it all. I play it and Justin looks at me. "Remember?" I ask.

"Of course I do."

I sing the chores.
Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you.
Over again, don't make me change my mind.
Or I won't, Live to see another day, I swear it's true.
Because a boy like you is impossible to find.
You're impossible to find.

And I kiss him. He kisses back and I feel him smile in the kiss. We pull away and both blush.

"*giggles* "Dont make me change my mind." He says.

"I promise, I never will."

"I love you, now and forever."

"I love you too. Now and for eternity." I say.

Last chap?🤷 I like the end turned out. So I wanna start a new book now. I already have some ideas. Yes? C+v plz!
°Samantha Sarno°

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