Chapter 22 ♾

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Raegan's pov:

I open my eyes to the sound of rain. I open my window and see it is raining.  It's Saturday. Thank god. I put a hoodie on and went downstairs. I saw my dad sleeping on the couch. I still can't believe he dating Justin's dad. What a small world.

I go to the kitchen and make some pancakes. I sit at the table and go on my phone. After I eat I hear the doorbell ring. I get up confused and open the door. I see Justin standing there soaked. Wtf? I open the door and pull him in. He's out of breathe.

"What happened? Where is your car?" I ask.


He's shivering he can't even talk. I grab his hand and take him upstairs quick. Thank god my dad is sleeping. I take him in my room and get a towel. I wrap it around him and go to my closet. I get him a hoodie and sweats.

"Here put these on. I'll be in the hallway." I say.

He smiles a little and nods still shaking. I leave the room and shut the door. I wait about 3 minutes until the door opens. I walk in and close the door again. I turn around and see him  standing there in my clothes. Omg he is so small, it's adorable. I sit on my bed and pull his waist so he sits down next to me. He leans his head on my shoulder.

"Why didn't you take your car?" I ask.

"I wasn't planning on coming over before texting you but I told my dad this morning is he knew your dad. He started like legit crying. He started throwing things and I got scared. I ran out of the house not knowing if was raining. I didn't grab my keys so I just ran here." He said.

"Oh shit. Did your dad say anything?"

"No. He just went like crazy, crying." He said.

"W-what does that mean?" I ask. He shrugs.

He lifts his head and his phone rings. He answers and puts it on speaker phone.

"Hello?" He asks.

"Hi Justin where did you go? I'm sorry I scared you." He says over the phone, his voice sounding raspy.

"O-oh dad I'm at Raegan's." He says.

"Oh...ok." He says a silence between those two words.

"Why did you go crazy dad? And why did you never tell me you were bi?"

"I don't know son, I just never thought to tell you...a-and-" He stops talking.

Justin looks at me and backs at his phone.

"And what dad?" He asks.

There was silence. I got nervous.

"And I regret breaking up with Raegan's dad." He says quietly.

My face turns into shock as does Justin. He looks at me and we stare at each other.

"And, I never wanted to break his heart. Justin I know David won't allow you to date Raegan. But if he agrees,  I'll let you date Raegan because I want you to be happy...I-"

He stops...

"I-i'm sure Raegan's is like his father and that's what I want for you." He says.

Justin stands up and scratches his head.

"Dad I gotta go I'll talk to you soon." He says quick.

"O-okay bye." He says.

Justin hangs up and drops his phone putting his hands on his face.

"Did he just say that?" I ask still shocked. Justin nods.

"I wonder if my dad feels the same way. That's why he was almost crying yestarday." I say.

He looks at me and sighs.

"I need to forget about this." He says.

Before I ask what he means he gets on my lap and starts kissing me. He bit my bottom lip and pulled away a little but continued to kiss me. He got really rough and I understood. This so how he wanted to forget.

He pushed my back down on the bed forcefully and had each of his lega on each side of me. He leaned down and we continue to make out. I put my hands on his jaw as his hands went down my stomach and then my hips.

I sit back up and he adjusts his sitting positions on my lap. I pull away and look at him. His lips are really red and  we watch our breath.

"I-i'm sorry." He says.

"Oh it's fine *laughs*"

He puts his body against mine as he puts his head in my chest.

"What is your dad feels the same way? That does that mean?" He asks.

"Well they are both married to our mom's. So I don't know." I say.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

We sit there silent until I hear a knock on my door.

"Raegan?" It's my dad.

Justin gets off my lap and goes in my closet.

"Come in." I say.

He comes in and stands in front of me.

"I'm sorry about yestday." He says.

"It's okay, it's just- what if David feels the same way?"

"Oh, he doesn't. He broke up with me and we lost contact. He doesn't like me. Even though I might still like him." He says.

He walks out quick looking upset. I lean back on my bed and sigh. Justin comes out of the closet.

"What's happening?" I ask.

"I don't know." He says and lays with me. He puts his arm over my stomach and puts his head in my side.

After all these years and now having wives, they still have feeling for each other. Never expected that.

Heyyy loves hope you enjoyed! Please c+v if you liked this chapter 👏😘😩
°Samantha Sarno°

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