Chapter 8 ♾

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Raegan's pov:

My eyes opened and I immediately see I'm facing Justin. He's still asleep, gripping my arm. I smile and then lean over a little to grab my phone. I get it and see it's 10 o'clock. I want to do something with him today.

"Justin? Wake up." I whisper.

His eyes open and he looks at me. I can't help myself. I lean down and kiss his lips. He kisses back I feel him smile against my lips. I pull away my cheeks get hot. I see his get a little pink too.

"Do you have to go home? I want to stay with you today." I ask.

"Let me text my mom." He says rubbing his eyes.


He grabs his phone and sits up. I sit up almost and hold the back of his waist. He smiles. I see him text his mom asking if he can stay with me today. She texts back quick and said she's fine with it but he needs to be home tonight. I get out of bed and so does he.


"Yea Rae?"

"I really like you." I say.

"Nooo really?" He says laughing a little.

"I've liked you ever since the first day when you showed me around." I said.



"Well I really like you too Rae."

"I thought you were straight."

"*laughs* I thought I was too. But these past few days, I've really been falling for you."

I smile and look down at the ground. He walks over to me and hugs me.

"Can I tell you something?" I ask.

"Of course." He says looking up at me.

"Now that you know I like you, you can probably guess why I was acting upset those days."

His eyes open wide and he steps back a little.

"Really? Were you jelous?"

I nod and he looks shocked.

"I'm sorry. I just didn't like you with Alli. I didn't want you with anyone. I was acting stupid and I'm sorry about that."

He comes closer to me again.

"It's okay Rae. She's out of my life now. So now I'm all yours." He says and giggles a little.

I blush and bite my lip slightly.

"What do you want to do today?" I ask.

"Oh my friend texted me last night I forgot to tell you but he's having a party tonight. Want to go?"

"Umm, I don't know. I've never been to a party and I don't drink so-"

"Its okay. You can stay with me. I might drink a little but we will have fun I promise."

"O-ok I'll go."

"Yay!" He says hugging me.

"Let's get ready." I say.

"Ok. Wait I don't have any good clothes."

"I can ask my brother Rizzy because mine will be too big on you. Be right back."

"Okay. Thank you."

I walk to Rizzy's room and knock on his door. I heard him say come in so I went in and he smiled at me.

"Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you."Where stories live. Discover now