Chapter 21 ♾

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Raegan's pov:

I walked in the school doors exhausted. I stayed up all night just thinking about what my dad said. I don't understand why I can't date Justin. He won't break my heart and I won't break his. We are soulmates.

I go to my locker and see Justin come beside me.

"Hey how did it go?" He asks.

I shake my head. His smile turned into a frown.

"I'm sorry. I talked to him and he told me something I never thought I'd hear."

"What?" He asks.

"Long story short, my dad was bi at my age and was dating a boy. The boy broke his heart and he doesn't want that to happen to me."

"Oh, wow. I would never break your heart."

"I know I tried to tell him. I guess we have to wait. I'm sorry." I say.

"Its okay. I'll wait for you." He says.

I hug him around his neck and he wraps his arms around my waist.

"I love you so much, alright." I say.

He nods in my chest.

"I love you so much too." He mummbles into my chest.

We let go and go to class.

°End of the school day°

I'm heading to my locker when I see some kid standing near Justin. Oh shit. That's the captiam of the football team. Shit he's so tall. He's never bothered him before. I walk up to them.

I touch Justin's shoulder and he turns around and hugs me. Awe he's shaking.

"What's wrong here?" I ask.

"Oh you must be Raegan? The kid that is just lying to to Justin because he really truly doesn't want to date him. Just tell him the truth man." He says all confident.

"First of all if I didn't want to date Justin I would tell him not lie. Second i'm not lying. I love Justin with everything I have and I am fighting for him." I say, Justin still attached to me.

"Why do you care what your dad says? If you ask me that's a hard exclusive to believe." He says.

"Its not an excuse I promise. And I care what my dad says becuase I know he's just trying to look out for me. Just leave us alone." I say and pull Justin off of me.

I hold his hand and walk away. I turn around as I walk away.

"Next time you talk to him you'll be sorry." I say.

"Oh really why, what are you going go do?" He yells.

"Oh I won't do anything." I say.

"Exactly you Tranny."

"Justin just won't believe you and you'll feel stupid." I say and laugh a little.

I turn back around and we walk out of the school. Justin's car was in front of mine. We get to them and I lean against mine. He was about to get in his but he comes up to me.

"Thank you Raegan."

"Of course. *sighs*"

"U-um bye." He says but I grab his arm.


"Come over." I say.

His eyes open aide and he gets out of my grip.

"Please I want to talk to my dad but I want you there." I say.

He closes his eyes and nods. I get in my car and he gets in his. We get to my house and get out of our cars. We walk inside and I see my dad on the couch. He looks at us.

"What is he doing here Raegan?" He asks.

Justin gets behind me a little. We walk to the couch.

"Can we talk?" I ask.

"We already talked. Justin get out."

"Dad stop. Please." I ask pleading.

He sighs and crosses his arms.

"Ok. Talk."

Me and Jay sit on on couch a good distance away from my dad.

"Dad do you see him?"

"Huh? Yes I see him." He asks confused.

"This boy right here is the best thing thing ever happened to me. He shows me love. He gave me kisses and hugs. He showed me he cared for me. I did the same to him. We have true love dad. We do. I know we do. We care about out each other, we are happy with each other. I don't understand why you want us to wait. What's the point?" I say to him.

I see Justin blushing. Without caring, I turned my head and kisses his lips gently. He kisses back.

"Boys?" He raises his voice.

We pull away.

"S-sorry." I say wrapping my arm around his lower back.

"I love him dad. Please. I love Justin Blake." I say.

His eyes open wide and his face turns into sadness.

"B-blake?" He stutters.

"Yea. Why?" I ask.

"You father is, D-david Blake?" He asks.

I look at Justin.

"U-mm Yes sir how do you know?" He asks, his voice low.

"I-i" his eyes water as he looks around. Is my dad about to cry? I've never seen it.

"Dad what's wrong?" I ask.

He looks at Justin and scoots back on the couch. I get up and sit in front of him.

"W-what's wrong dad? Are you okay?" I ask concerned.

"I- I dated David Blake." He says.

I turn around and look at Justin. His jaw dropped and his eyes are open wide. I sit back down next to Justin.

"We dated for a long time.  He broke my heart." He says sounding sad.

"My dad was gay?" Justin asks.

My dad takes a deep breath and wipes his tears.

"Your dad was bi like I was. Omg I can't believe your his son."

"Oh my god." Justin says and gets up.

I get up too and try to comfort him but he pushes me away and runs out of the house. I see him drive away and I look back at my dad.

"Raegan what if he breaks your heart like his dad broke mine."

"Please don't say that dad." I say.

"But really?"

"Dad please I know Justin won't break my heart. If only you knew him. I'm sorry I love Justin and I'm not giving up." I say and run upstairs.

I get my phone and text Justin.

Me- Do you need some time?
Jay❤🤷- I think so. I just never knew.
Me- Ok text me later. I'm sorry for all this pressure and I'm not done fighting I promise. I love you  ❤
Jay❤🤷- Not your fault and I love you too.

I put my phone down and jump on my bed. How did it turn to this?

Hope you all enjoyed. The idea of Justin and Raegan's dad dating when they were younger was an idea from someone! Thank you for the idea! ❤ plz c+v loves 💕
°Samantha Sarno°

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