Chapter 18 ♾

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Raegan's pov:

I'm currently at my locker in this hell hole right now taking my books out. I close it and feel arms around my waist. I turn around and see my little baby hugging me.

"Goodmorning." I say.

"I'm tirrrred baby." He whines

I laugh and play with his hair.

"Me too."

He lets go and I see Alli walk up to us.

"Hey guys." She says.

"Hi." I say.

I look at Justin and he keeps quiet. The bell rings and Alli leaves.

"You know you could say-"

"Not gonna happen." He cuts me off.

He grabs my hand and we walk to class. Will he ever open up to Alli?


Justin and I sat down and I saw Alli sit at the end of the table.

"Alli?" I yell.

She looks up and at me. I wave my hand and motion for her to come over. She hesiated but got up and sat across from me and Justin. She smiled at me and then looked at Justin. I saw her cheeks heat up a little. Ugh I wish she still didn't like him.

I guess Justin noticed she was staring at him becuase he kissed me. It was quick but then he kissed me hungrily. I kissed back just as rough. I knew he was trying to make Alli jealous but I couldn't pull away.

He pulled away and got up. He took my hand and dragged me to the bathroom. He closed the door and slammed me into the wall. He pinned my arms to the wall and kissed me again. He let go of my arms and put his hands on my jaw. I held his waist as he ran his fingers though my hair. He unlocked our lips and went to my neck. He bit down hard as he found my sweet spot right away. Damn he was being rough. I didn't mind though. I felt him make a hickey and then he went back to my lips.

His hands went all the way down my body. From my stomach, slowly going down to my waist, and then grabbing my belt lightly. I knew what he wanted. Why no give him some teasing. It's fun🤷😩.....I moved his arms away and pulled away.

I smirked and walked away from the wall. He looked at me and tried to kiss me again but I moved my head. I walked and open the door.

"I see how it is." He says squinting his eyes.

"*laughs* yes you do." I say and walk out.

I walk back to lunch and see Alli just sitting in the same spot looking down.
I walk to the table and sit down.

"Hey are you okay?" I ask.

She looks up at me and nods slowly.

"Yea. I'm fine."

"I'm sorry about Justin."

"No it's okay. I understand why he doesn't like me. I was such a bitch. I regret everything though Raegan."

"I know you do. It's okay things will get better."

She shrugs. I feel a hand on my shoulder and then I see Justin sit next to me. He smirks. I laugh and we talk. Of course whenever I tried to talk to Alli, Justin would stop talking. Oh well.

°End of the day°
A/n I know I do this everyday but during classes is boring so 😛

I closed my locker and went to Justin across from me. I hugged him from behind.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too." He says laughing a little.

He turns around and kisses me.

"I want you to come over but, my dad." I said.

"He didn't have a problem yestarday when you said we were friends."

"Yea true. Wanna come over then?"

"Yea. Let's go."

We go and get into our own cars. I drive home and go inside. I see my dad watching tv.

"Hey dad." I said.

"Hi Raegan."

"Uhh not that I mind but why have you been a lot lately?"

"I don't know. I guess I just relized I have a wife and son I should take care of." He says.

"Oh, alright."

As I say that I hear the door open and Justin walks in. He looks at me and then my dad.

"You two hang out a lot. You're just friends right?"

"*gulp* yea. Best friends." I say nervous.

"Hmm okay." He says staring Justin down.

I start walking upstairs and Justin follows me. We get upstairs and I shut my door.

"He's been acting weird." I said.

"Hmm yea a little." He says.

I shrug and sit on my bed. He sits beside me. I look at him and he smiles.  I look down at my lap and I just get an urge all of a sudden. I turn my head and kiss him. I put my hand on his jaw and he kisses back running hands down my stomach. It gets headed quick and he climbs on my lap.

"You *kiss* should lock *kiss* you're *kiss* door." He says between us kissing.

I should lock my door but I can't stop kissing him.

Next thing I know my door swings open and we both pull away quick. It was my dad standing there.

"Boys what the fuck are you doing!?" He yells.

"Uhh" I couldn't speak. I relized Justin was still on my lap. He relized too and quickly got off of me. I stood up and faced my dad even though I was terrified.

"Dad please can I explain, I-"

"What is there to explain Raegan! You didn't listen to me and stop dating this boy. I don't want you Gay!" He says.

"Well I am what is so bad about it? I really love Justin can't you just accept that? Do you not want me to be happy?"

"Of course I want you to be happy but no! No no I said if before and I'll say if again, you're not dating this boy! What's so special about him that's not special with a girl!?"

Did he just fucking say that? Is he insane?

Ooo cliffhanger I'm sorry 😂 I will update tomorrow as soon as I can loves 💕💪
°Samantha Sarno°

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