Chapter 16 ♾

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Raegan's pov:

I went home last night and now it's morning. I just into school and see some kids at Justin's locker towering over him. He looks really uncomfortable. I go up to them and they are shorter than me. I grab Justin's waist and pull him closer to me.

"What's the problem?" I asked.

Justin turns around and burries his head in my shirt. I look at the two boys.

"N-nothing." One of them said. They seemed nervous.

I look down at and rub Justin's hair. He looks at me.

"Are they bothering you?" I ask.

He nods and puts his head back in my chest and wraps his arms around my waist. I look back at the boys and give them a death glare.

"Bother him one more time and see what happens."

They walk away quick and I lift Justin's head up.

"What did they say?"

"They just said how being trans was stupid and I'm a girl."

"Don't listen to them. You're such a handsome sweet boy baby." I said smiling.

His cheeks got red and he kissed me.

"Thank you I love you."

"I love you too."


I was on my way to lunch because I had to use the bathroom so Justin should already be in lunch. I was about to walk in when I turned my head those same two guys near over him again near the lockers. Their backs were turned to me so I went up to them and tapped on their shoulders. They looked up at me and made no facial expression. Shoved them both into the lockers and then hit the lockers hard next to them so they jumped at the sound.

"Fucking bother him again I swear to god. I'm trans to what do you have to say at me?" I said smirking.

They looked each other and back at me. I hit the lockers again and they jump once again.

"Can you fucking not speak?" I raise my voice.

These kids were really pissing me off now. Leave the damn kid alone. Justin grabbed my arm and pulled me away from them.

"Ok ok calm down." He said.

He kisses me gently and my body immediately loosened up and I calmed down. I pulled away and looked at the kids. They were staring at us in shock.

"That's right. We are gay too. Got a problem? Guess what I don't care assholes." I said.

I grabbed Justin's waist and we walked away to go to lunch. We sat down and started eating. We were laughing and talking to others at the table. I actually made some nice friends and we have nice conversations at lunch.

I saw Alli at the of the table. She looked really pale and she had bags under her eyes. She was holding her phone and shaking. She was looking at me and she looked really upset. I almost felt...bad for her. I don't know why. I was shaken out of my thoughts when Justin called my name.


"Y-yea? Sorry."

"Are you okay?"

"Yea. Umm I need to go talk to someone."



He looked shocked.


"Look at her. She looks terrible. I want to go talk to her." I said.

"No please don't who cares."

"Please....ill be back I'm 2 minutes."

He hesitats but nods slowly. I get up and sit across from Alli. She looks up from her phone and looks scared.

"P-please l-leave me a-alone." She stutters.

"No please I want to help. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"No you're not. Your pale and your shaking uncontrollably. What's wrong?"

"You don't care." She says sounding upset.

"Y-yea. I do."

She looks up at my eyes and her eyes fill with water.

"Whats going on?" I ask quietly still curious.

She shakes her head and starts crying. She gets up and runs out of the lunch room. What happened to her?

I kind of just sat there shock until I heard my name.

"Babe come back over here." He says.

I get up and sit next to Justin.

"What did she say?"

"Nothing." I say.

"Oh ok."

He kisses me and I kiss him back. He smiles.

"Are you really worried about her?" He asks.

I shrug my shoulders. Am I worried about her?

°End of the school day°

I shut my locker and go to Justin's. He smiles at me and continues to put his stuff away. At the corner of my eye I see Alli walking by with her head tilted down a little. I recognized her hair.

"One sec Justin."

I walked in front of her and she looks at me. I relized now she's really skinny too. What the hell?"

"A-alli? Please, talk to me."

"Why? Not that you care." She said.

"Yes I do care please I-"

"I know you don't care Raegan leave it alone. I'm fine."

She was about to walk past me when I stopped her again.

"You look really unhealthy. You should eat something." I said.

"I-im not hungry" she says now walking past me.

I see Justin walk up to me.

"Don't worry about her. She's probably faking." He said.

I know she wasn't faking but I went along with it. I nod and we walk out of school.

"Want to come over?" I ask.

"But, your dad?"

"He's always at work until late at night."

"Ok. Meet you there."

"Ok." I say and kiss him. He grabs my neck and tilts his head to the side a little to deepen the kiss. I lead it on a little by grabbing his hips. I moan on purpose quietly. Then I pull away unexpectedly.

"Tease." Is all he says.

I laugh and get in my car. I drive home and go up the steps. I walk in and my eyes land on my dad. He was standing in front of me but a good distance away. I was frozen.

"Hi son. Have a good day?" He asks.

I don't know why but I was afraid of him. I just started at him. Justin was coming over. He's not allowed. At this point though I couldn't move.


When I said that I heard the door open.

"Hi ba-" he stopped when he saw my dad.

My dad's face slowly turned from a slight smile to anger. Fuck.

Heyyyy sorry I didn't update yestarday. Hope you all enjoyed reading! 💕 plz c+v for more chaps.
°Samantha Sarno°

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