Chapter 5 ♾

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Raegan's pov:

He just looked down. I scooted closer to him on the couch and lifted his chin with my index finger.

"Please. What happened?"

He sighs and gets ready to speak.

"I-i feel so bad about what happened at lunch. Alli should have never done that. But most of all I should have gone with you and not stayed with her."

"Oh Justin it's okay. It's not your fault."

He shrugs.

"But now she said I can't hang out with you anymore."

He start sniffing again and his eyes fill with tears.

"O-o-oh." I stutter badly.

"But I'm not letting that happen Rae. Your way too important to me for me to just stop hanging out with you. I don't care want she says."

"No but, Justin I don't want to ruin your relationship with Alli."

I hated saying that. I don't want her to seperate us.

"No Rae I don't care what she says. You're always going to be my friend and I'm not going to let you go because of my girlfriend."

I smile big and blush a little. Next he hugs me around my neck and I hug his waist. He climbs on my lap and we just hold each other.



I love you.

"Nothing. Nevermind."

I sigh and he let's go of my neck and looks at me.

"You sure?"

"Yea. I-its nothing."


"Do you want to have dinner here and maybe spend the night?"

He smiles.

"Yea. Let me ask my mom."

I nod and he gets off my lap.

"Ok. I'm going to ask mine too."

She walks to the other room and I call my mom.


Mom- hello?
Me- Hi, mom?
Mom- Hi honey what do you need?
Me- My new friend Justin, he's over right now. Can he stay the night?
Mom- sure sweetie. I'll be home in about an hour.
Me- Ok thank you see you soon.

I hang up and see Justin come back in.

"My mom said it's fine. She even said she will bring over my stuff over so I don't have to leave." He said.

"Yay! My mom said okay too."

"Ok cool."

I yawn and start to get tired. Justin see's and comes over to me. He lifs my arm and rests on the side of my body. I put my feet on the coffee table and he puts his legs across mine. He slides his arm across my waist behind me so his arm was in between my waist and the couch. I put my arm around him also. He snuggles his head in my chest.

Ugh this kid is making it impossible for me to stop having feelings for him. He's just so adorable and sweet. He cares about me and I care about him. I'm so glad we became such good friends so fast.

I kiss his forehead and I see him smile. I close my eyes feel myself drifting to sleep.

It felt like maybe 10 minutes later my eyes quickly open to Justin moving around.

"No. No no please." He started saying.

I think he was having a bad dream. I heard it's a bad idea to try to wake someone up during a bad dream. But I had to try.

"Justin? Justin!?" I said loudly.

"Please please no stop!" He was yelling.

I started to shake him a little but he wouldn't wake up. What do I do? What do I do?

"Justin please wake up! Wake up!" When I said "Wake up" his eyes jolted open.

He saw me and started crying. He jumped on lap and hugged me so tight like someone was going to take me. I hugged back and tried to calm him down. I rubbed his back and whispered in his ear.

"You're okay I promise. I'm here."

He kept crying like he was scared of something. I felt so bad. I haven't seen him cry like this.

He stops crying and just sniffs his nose every second.

I let go of the hug and looking him straight in the eyes.

"W-what was that dream about?" I asked.

"S-someone, they looked like- like alli. She w-was hurting you right in front of me. It felt so real Raegan."

He started tearing up again and I just hugged him again.

"It's okay now your fine."

Why would he have a dream of alli hurting me? And why would he feel so bad?

He finally let's go and looks down at his lap. He's still sitting on my lap.

"Do you always have nightmares?" I ask.

"Not always. I'm sorry tho I didnt mean to jump on you and hug you like that I just got scared and I-"

"No no don't be sorry I was worried about you. I'm just glad you okay." I say cutting him off.

He smiles and leans in a little to kiss my cheek. I blush and smile.

Our attention was turned to the door opening. It was my mom. 

"Hi mom." I say as she walked in.

"Hi sweety. Hello Justin."

"Hi Mrs. Beast how are you?"

Ugh he's so polite it's the cutest thing!

"I'm very good thank you. Pasta okay for you two for dinner?"

"Fine with me." I say

"Me too." Justin says.

She smiles and walks to the kitchen. Justin gets off my lap and grabs his phone.

"Let's listen to music." He says.


I see him scroll though his playlist and play a song.

"This song is called "tonight will be the night that I will for you." He says.

"Oh. Ok never heard it."

"It's my favorite song." He says smiling.

He plays it and I really like it. Omg. I know why I like it. It reminds me of Justin.

If you haven't heard the song yet please listen to it. It's so cute and it reminds me of jaegan. It will make more sense once you hear the words. Little cliffhanger sorry 😩
Plz c+v if you liked. Another or probably 2 updates tomorrow 💚
°Samantha Sarno°

"Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you."Where stories live. Discover now