Chapter 12 ♾

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(A/N- I'm in a type of mood so your welcome for this innocent? 🤷💦)
Raegan's pov:

It was the next morning and I was feeling a lot better. Justin went home last night and I feel asleep really early.

I got up and went in the shower quick. I got out and got ready for school. I went downstairs and my mom already went to work. I wasn't hungry so I went right to school. I went right in was Justin at his lockers.

"Hey." I said walking up to him.

"Oh hi. I'm glad you came today." He said.

"Yea. I couldn't agree *laughs*"

He closes his locker and we go to mine. I put my things away and closed it. The bell rang and we walked to class. I've got to say it was hard walking into school and seeing Justin and not saying babe or kissing him. I understand why he wanted to keep it a secret for now. I got a little idea though.

We walk into first period and sit down. Ugh I don't want to be here.

°End of 3rd period. (Lunch is after 4th period°

The bell was just about to ring for 4th period. It eventually did and I walked out. I waited for Justin and when he walked out, I grabbed his hand and pulled him aside.

"Meet me in the bathroom after 4th period. I've got a little something for you." I whispered biting my lip and smirking.
(They don't have 4th period together.)

He smirked back and nodded. We walked our seperate ways to our next class. I sat down and the bell rang. The teacher pretty much was talking the whole class. Eh. That was fine with me. No work.

The bell rang once again and I walked out of 4th period. I walked in the bathroom to see no one else but Justin looking in the mirror fixing his hair. I locked the bathroom we were in and then went up behind him and hugged his waist. He tended up but saw me in the mirror and melted to my touch. He turned around and kissed me.

I slowly walked forward while he was walked backwards in front of me. Once his back reached the wall, my body was in front of his so he couldn't move. I kissed him hungrily as he ran his fingers in my hair.

"Jump." I whisper.

He jumps and I catch him. I slide my tongue on his bottom lip and he let's me in. As we kiss, I move my hands under his shirt on his hips. He jumps a little but relaxes. I move my hands up to his back, still under his shirt, and rub up and down. My hands go back and rest on his hips. I let go of his lips and went to his neck. I kissed around his neck as he tilted his head back a little. I started sucking a little on certain spots until I found his sweet spot. He moaned so quickly I barely heard it. But I did.

"Let them out no one will hear." I say sexually.

So he did. His moans slowly got louder but still stayed to a minimum. I backed up from the wall a little and moved my hands down from his hips. I rubbed his thighs and I could tell he was enjoying it. I made a really notice hickey. Oops. I went up to his jawline and back to his lips. Now he was getting a little aggressive and pulled my neck so we were making out again but most sloppy. My hands moved to his ass and they stayed there. I gave his ass a little squeeze as he moaned against my lips. I tugged on his shirt and he pulled away.

"You'll have to wait." He said.

He smirked a I knew what he was doing. Doing a little teasing? Okay two can play at that game. I set him down and slapped his ass. He jumped a little and I laughed while smirking.

"Might want to stop at the corner store on your way home from school. Ya know, only if you want to, babe." I said and walked out. (Get it? If not here's a 😂)

I walked to lunch and sat where I usually sit.

"Hey where's justin?" A kid at the table asked.

"Umm he wasn't feeling so good a little while ago. I think he's coming soon."

As I said that he walked in the lunch room with his hoodie on. I forgot about his hickey. 😏😶 He came and sat next to me.

"Hey Justin you okay?" That same kid asked.

"Yea, fine."

"Why is your hoodie on?"

"I umm, Im cold." He lied.

"Its hot in here Justin. Woah." I said pulling my shirt acting like I was hot.

He gave me that "I hate you" stare and I laughed a little. I started talking to the kid in front of me becuase be asked me about the homework for a class. As I was talking I felt a hand on my inner thigh. I looked at Justin and see him smirking at me. He started to rub my thigh and it felt good. I yawned to cover up a slight moan. It wasn't until his hand got really far up and he was at the point in my pants where my dick was laying. Oh this little fuck. He grabbed my dick through my jeans and I jumped.

I looked at him and was trying not to laugh.

"You okay Raegan?" That kid I was talking to asked.

"Yea fine. I just need to use the bathroom." I said getting up quick. I saw Justin following me. Perfect.

I got in the bathroom and once again saw no one. Thank god. I stood next to the door and waited for it to open. It did and I shoved Justin against the wall. I smirked and he just looked at me.

"I'm an extra large. See you after school." I whispered in his ear.

"Got it daddy." He said biting his lip.

I let go and walked out. This should be good.

Oooo im sorry I'm in a mood.....😂 your welcome though. There IS going go be smut chapter just a warning now. I'm I'm not why do I want to start a smut book 😂 would you guys read it? Comment!?🤷 vote too ❤ love y'all.
°Samantha Sarno°

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