Chapter 31 ♾

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Raegan's pov:

"F-for what?' I ask.

"For saying what I said at the hospital."

"I mean, I was shocked but it's okay."

"I feel like I ruined things between us. Now you probably feel awkward."

"No not really. It's all good I promise." I say.

"I just don't know what to do. I know your dating Justin and you're gay but I do love you. I'm sorry."

"No please don't be sorry."

She shrugs. "But anyway uhh, again I really really appreciate you trying to help me and coming to the hospital."

"Anytime Alli. I was so worried about you. You could have died."

"Would have been better." She mummbles but I hear her.

"No it wouldn't of." I say.

She leans back against the window and looks up. I see her tear up a little.

"Oh don't cry please." I move closer to her and wrap my arms around her waist. She leans to the side against my body and burries her head in my chest.

She looks up at me and goes from my eyes to lips, back to my eyes again. I knew what she wanted. I don't want to. But is it right in the moment?

Our faces were close and I speak.

"You promise to never speak of this if it's quick?" I ask.

"I promise Raegan." She says and I know she means it.

I lean in and kiss her. She kisses back and puts her right hand on the back of my neck. I move my lips a little and she goes along with it. I pull away and scoot back a little. She smiles a little but it fades

"Oh my god. No no no." She panics.

"I just made you cheat on Justin. Jeasus I'm so sorry Raegan." She says. She looks around awkwardly.

"It's okay I know your stressed out and you have feelings for me."

"No but now I feel stupid and like a slut."

"It's alright. And no you're not. As long as we never speak of it again, I'm okay. That was just a one time thing." I say.

"Yea of course." She says nodding.

She gets on my lap and hugs me like a little kid. It didn't work as good as Justin. Justin was short and fit perfectly in my arms. I hug her back wrapping my arms around her back.

"I-i love you." She mummbles. I ignore her just stay in the hug. What have I let this come to?
That night I started to feel really guilty. I don't want to tell Justin but I think I need to. I'm not good with secrets and I shouldn't have don't what I did while I was dating him. I cheated on him and I can't not tell him. It's not right. I'm a horrible boyfriend. I need to tell him.
The next morning I walk into school nervous as fuck. I feel sick to my stomach. Will be break up with me? I can't lose him. I honestly didn't feel anything in the kiss with her which is good. I'm sure she did.

I see Justin go to his locker. Ugh he looked so cute and perfect today. He looks perfect everyday. He doesn't deserve me. I see him turn around and walk over to me.

"Hey baby you never texted me back last night. I thought we were going to hang out."

"O-oh I'm sorry I got back from Alli'a and fell asleep."

"Oh yea how is she?" He asks.



I felt like I was going to throw up. My head starts spinning. I got dizzy.

"Are you okay?"

"Uhh yea."

Now I just wanted to cry. I wanted to cry forever knowing I let it come to cheating on Justin with Alli. I didn't want to. But I did.

"Justin I-i need t-to talk to y-you later." I say stuttering.

"About what?" He asks.

I started crying. I couldn't help it. I put my head in my hands and cried. Justin pulled my hand and brought me to a closet and shut the door.

"Hey hey what's wrong babe? You're acting weird." He says.

I calm down a little and start to relax. "Justin I love you so much."

"I love you too. Why are you acting like this?"

"I need to talk to you without anyone around. After school come right to my house. Okay?"

"O-ok." He looked nervous. Omg I hate myself for this.

We walked out and walked seperate ways.


I sat down and put my head down on the table. Justin wasn't here yet.

"Hey are you okay?"

I picked my head up and saw my friend, Trevor.

"Not really. But thanks."

He nods and gives me a little smile. I put my head back down and then feel Justin sit down. I don't move. He rubs my back up and down.

"Do you feel sick? Want me to take you to the nurse?" He asks. He's so sweet.

"No thank you." I say.

We have all but one class together. And so far, we haven't talked in any of our classes. He would glance at me and I would do the same.

I pick my head up all the way and see Alli at the other table across from me. She gives me a little smile. So do I. Even if its a fake one at the point. I see her go on her phone. Then mine goes off.

Alli😊- I saw you crying his morning talking to Justin. Did you tell him?
Me- not yet but I am after school.
Alli😊- I'm sorry Raegan. If he doesn't believe you or whatever, I'll talk to him. You're not losing him becuase of me.
Me- It's not your fault. And thank you 😞

I send it and put my phone down. I turn to Justin and he smiles a little at me. He then leans in and kisses me gently. I kiss back. That's when I feel the millions of parks. When I feel my baby's lips, not Alli's.

Hey I wrote this quick and it's actually not bad 😋 I'm still updating again tomorrow tho 😁 plz c+v ❤
°Samantha Sarno°

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