Chapter 9 ♾

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°The party°
Raegan's pov:

It was 9 and the party started at 8. Me and justin were just about to get in the car. I wasn't exited to be honest. I've never been to a party and I'm very anti-social.

"Do you want to drive?" I asked.

"Do you care?"

"No of course not."

"Ok let's go."

We get in and he start driving. I start to squirm around in my seat.

"You okay?" He asks.

"Yea just a little nervous. I'm very anti-social."

"That's okay Rae. I'll stay with you."

I nod and he smiles.

We get there and get out of the car. We walk in and I can already tell this party is not going to end well. I see people drunk on the couch making  out. I see beer bottles on the floor already. Justin grabs my hand and bring me to the kitchen.

"Hey Justin." Some kid says to him.

"Hey man what's up?"

"Nothing really. Beer?"

"Yea sure."

I could tell his friend was already drunk. Justin took the cap off the beer and took a sip.

"Want to try?"

I shake my head and he nods. Another boy comes up to Justin and they start talking. I look around. I don't think there's one person I see who's sober. What the fuck it's only been an hour into this party. I look back at Justin and see he already chugged down that whole beer.

"Come Rae try some." He says to me.

"I-im going to go walk around." I say

"You sure?"


I leave and start to walk around. I was really awkward. I went upstairs and saw some kid standing in the corner looking around. He didn't look drunk. I decided to go up to him. What else can I do?

"Hi?" I say.

"Oh hi"

"Are you okay?"

"Yea. I just don't really know anyone here expect my friend who's drinking and everyone is drunk."

"Yea. My friend is probably going to get drunk too."

"What's your name?" He asks me.

"Raegan. You?"


Me and Liam talked for a while. He's really nice. We talked about random stuff.

I checked my phone after a while and saw we were talking for 45 minutes. Wow. We continued talking until I felt someone grab my arm. I turn around and see Justin.

"C-come with meee." He says slurring his words.

"You got drunk Jay really." I say annoyed.

He pulled my arm and brought me to a room. He slammed the door and locked it.

"Justin I was in the middle of talking to-"

He turned around and smashing his lips into mine roughly. I kissed back. He pushed me so I was walking backwards and I fell back on a bed. He got on top of me . He put 1 leg on one side of my body and other on the other side. He was basically sitting on my waist. I was holding his hips. I could smell the alcohol in his breath. We started to make out and it was sloppy. I should stop. He's drunk he doesn't even know what he's doing.

"Justin *kiss* stop *kiss*"

I tried to pull away but he just kept his hand on the back of my neck. I tried to sit up a little too but he would push me down. Eventually I got up and pulled away. We were both out of breathe.

"Come on we are going home." I said.

"Nooo. That's no fun." He said.

"I don't care your too drunk to do anything."

"Come on baby let's do something fun." He said almost falling but I caught him.

I picked him up so I was carrying him like a baby. I could already hear him snoring a bit. He already feel sleep. Omg.

I went downstairs and saw that kid Liam. I went up to him.

"Hey sorry about before, it was nice talking to you." I said.

"Yea same to you."

Next I walked out of the house and went to my car. I opened the back and layed him down in the back seat. I got in the drivers seat and drove home.

When I pulled in the driveway, I got out of the car and opened the door to get Justin. I wrapped my arms his waist and be immediately clung to me. I went in the house and locked the door. I walked upstairs to my room set him on my bed. I took his phone out of his pocket and went to his mom's contacts. I saw that he already said he was going to a party with me but not that he would stay over again. So I texted her.

Me(Raegan)- Hi mrs. Blake it's Raegan. We just got back from the party and justin is asleep. Can he stay over again?
Mom- Ok Raegan thanks for telling me and yes he can. Have a good night tell him to text me in the morning please.
Me- Ok. Goodnight.

I charge his phone and mine. Next I carefully take his shirt off. He can't sleep in his binder it will hurt his ribs. He lifts his arms so I take his shirt off. Next I pull on his binder but he stops me. He opens his eyes and doesn't let me take it off.

"Jay you can't sleep in your binder please just take it off." I say.

He nods and I help him take it off. I take off my shirt next. I replace the jeans he had on with a pair of my shorts. I do the same. I get in bed and he moves his body against mine. I place my arm across waist. He puts his arm over my back. I kiss his head and he snuggles his head into my chest.

"Goodnight." I hear him say.

"Goodnight baby boy."

I love you.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Plz c+v if you liked reading. I feel like this story is all over the place. Is it? Please comment and tell me 😚😁🤞
°Samantha Sarno°

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