Chapter 17 ♾

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Raegan's pov:

"What is he doing here?" My dad asks.

Justin looks at me and he looks scared. I stay calm even though I'm fucking freaking out inside.

"Uhh we are friends dad." I said.

He crosses his arms and stares Justin down. He hides behind me a little.

"Can we go upstairs?" I ask.

He's still looking at Justin. I take his hand down and bring him upstairs. I close my door and lock it.

"I'm sorry baby." I say to him.

"Its alright." He says.

I hug him around the neck and he hugs me back tighter. I sit on my bed and he sits on my lap.

"Your dad scares me." He says.

I laugh a little.

"Me too."

I kiss him and he kisses back. I squeeze his waist. He wraps his arms around my neck. We start making out. I rub his lower back. He holds my neck and then my jaw starting to get aggressive. Then the doorbell rang. We stopped and looked at each other.

"Are you expecting someone?" He asks.

I shake my head. We go downstairs and I open my door. I open it and Alli? Oh. She looks even worse. Damn.

"C-come in." I say.

She walk in and just hugs me. I hesitate but hug her back lightly. She's squeezing me like she's terrified. Justin looks at me in confusion. It wasn't until then, she started crying. Into my shirt. I pull away and look at her.

"W-why are you here?" I ask

"I-i-" she couldn't finish before she broke down again.

"O-ok ok. Go to the couch I'll be there in a minute." I said.

She nods and goes to the couch crying. I pull Justin to the side.

"W-what do you think is wrong with her?" I ask

"I don't know and I don't care." He says.

"Come on Justin. She's so pale and looks so unhealthy. We need to help her."

"You can but I don't want to. I still don't like or trust her. You shouldn't either." He says.

"Im helping her."


We go back and she's calmed down a little. She looks up to us and I go over to her. Justin stays standing up.

"C-can I talk to Raegan in private Justin?" She asks.

"Whatever. I'll go home." He says.

I stand up and kiss him.

"I love you." I said.

"love you too." He says sounding annoyed and walked out. I know he doesnt want me to help her but
...I want to.

I turn around and sit back down.

"So, what's happening?"

"There's a lot going on right now." She says starting to shake and cry again. I hug her and she cries in my shoulder.

"Shh don't cry please." I say rubbing her back.

I pull away and she stops crying.

"B-before I say anything, do you really care?" She asks.

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