Chapter 25 ♾

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Raegan's pov:

I walk to my locker and take my things out. I got what I had to get and closed it. I see Justin at his locker across from mine so I go over to him. I wrap my arms around his waist and put my head on his shoulder. He doesn't love. He just sighs and continues to take books out of his locker. He shuts his locker and turns around. My arms still around his waist and our bodies almost touching.

"Hey. Can we talk?" I ask.

He nods. "At lunch. Meet me in the bathroom." I say.


I kiss him quick and take my arms off his waist. I walk away and go to first class.


The bell rings for lunch and I go to the bathroom. I sit down near the window and fair for Justin. He walks in and looks at me.


"Hey. Come here." I say and pat my lap. He comes over and sits on my lap. I put my hands on his hips and he just looks at me.

"So, what's up?" He asks.

"Listen, if it bothers you, I won't be with Alli so much."

"It bothers me." Is all he said.

"Ok. So I won't talk to her so much okay?"

"You can still talk to her through the day if you want and check on her, but I don't want her over your house or you over her house."

I nod. "Ok."

He hugs me around the neck and I hold his waist.

"I know your just trying to help her, but, I don't know. I just don't like her." He said.

I smirk at him.

"Ok whatever."

"So, do you want our dad's to talk?" I ask.

"Yea. Want to talk to them when we get home today and see?"

"Yea sounds good."

He makes a little cute smile at me. I cup his cheeks and kiss him gently.

"That's going to feel so much better when your actually mine again." I say.

"Me too Rae."

We get up and go to lunch. We sit down at our usual table and talk. I look around and find Alli sitting by herself at a corner table eating. She looks up and looks around and her eyes land on me. We stare at each other for a minute. She looks so pale again. I give her a little smile but she looks backs down at her food and shakes her head.

The bell rings for next period and we get up. I always go to my locker before this class so I did. I grab my math book and close my locker. I see Alli walking by. I walk in front of her.

"Hey. I say.

"H-hi." She says with her head down a little.

"Are you okay?"

"I told you don't worry about me." She said.

"But I care about you. I talked to Justin, you're not getting in the way of us."

"Yes I am. Just- don't bother with me your wasting your time." She said and walked around me.

I turn around and see her out of sight already. I sigh and go to class.

°End of school day.°

I shut my locker and see Justin walk up next to me.

"Ok, so we'll go home and ask our dad's if they want to talk. After we talk to them, text each other, okay?"

"Got it boss" I say jokingly.

"Hm." He mumbled and walked away.

"No kiss?" I ask.

"Nope." He says still walking forward and out the doors.

I go to my car and drive home. I go inside and this time I hear my dad in the kitchen.

"Hey dad." I say sitting down.

"Hi Rae I'm just washing the dishes."

"Oh ok. Can I talk to you?"

"Go ahead." He said.

"Ok, so, this might sound weird but do you think you and David can maybe talk?" I ask.

He drops a glass cup he was drying in the sink and it shatters.

"W-what did you just say?" He stutters.

"Yea dad. Please. I want to be with Justin and pretty much the only way is if you two talk and know that he never wanted to break up with you."



"Uhh yea. He said it on the phone while he was talking to Justin. Just please."

"No Raegan. I can't face the man that broke my heart." He said.

"Dad I love Justin so much! Please talk to David and make up. Wouldn't you let me and Justin date?"

"Yea but I'm not talking to him. It's too much and I don't want to see him."

"Please!" I beg.

"No R-raegan." He says walking out of the kitchen in tears. Aw fuck. Now I feel kind of bad. But I can't let this slide. They will talk some time soon!

I get my phone and text justin.

Me- How did it go for you?
Jay❤🤷- It took me 10 minutes of begging but he agreed. You?
Me- He won't budge. He left the kitchen in tears.
Jay❤🤷- what now?
Me- what if your dad comes over here and we lock them in a room? 😂
Jay❤🤷- I mean, if your okay with doing that to your dad.
Me- He'll be fine. Anything to get you back too ❤
Jay❤🤷- Aww okay. Can we do it tomorrow? It's late and I want to sleep ❤
Me- Yea sure. See you tomorrow baby boy 😙
Jay❤🤷- See you tomorrow friend 😂
Me- Wow I see how it is lol I love you.
Jay❤🤷- I love you more. And don't even try to argue I won't text back 😂 gn❤

Heyyy hope you enjoyed reading. What will happen with their dad's? And is there anything going on with Alli? I'll try to update tomorrow
Plz c+v 😩
°Samantha Sarno°

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