Chapter 10 ♾

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Raegan's pov:

I opened my eyes to the sun pooring in my room. I turn around and see Justin not there. I get up and notice he's on the floor on the other side of the bed. I laugh a little to myself and lay on my stomach on the bed. My head poking out so I can see him.

"Justin!" I yell.

He jumps a little and opens his eyes. I start cracking up. He sits up and rubs his head.

"Raaaaae what the fuck?"

"I-im sorry." I say trying to stop laughing.

I take his hand and bring him on the bed. He looks really dizzy.

"My head is pounding." He says.

"No shit it's going to after last night."

"What happened last night?"

"You don't remember anything?"

"Not really. Only that we went to the party."

"Yea...and you got drunk."

"I did?"


"What happened?" He asked.

"Oh nothing really."

"Oh good."

"Except you pulling me into a room, pushing me on the bed, and making out with me." I say laughing a little.

He falls back on the bed and groans.

"Uh I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing."

"Don't worry about it. If it makes you feel any better, I enjoyed it and kissed back for a good five minutes until I stopped. I didn't want it end up with us having sex."

I laugh again and he smiles a little. He sits up again and kisses me.

"Your mom wanted you to text her in the morning. I texted her last night."

"Oh ok."

He gets up and puts his binder on with a shirt he was wearing yestarday. I get up almost and put my shirt on. He takes his phone and texts his mom. I stay on my phone until he speaks.

"My mom wants me home."

"Oh ok."

"You want to come though?"

"Oh, sure."

He goes in the bathroom and changes while I change in my room. He comes back out and we go downstairs. My mom was watching tv.

"Hey mom can I go to Justin's?"

"Yes you can just please be home tonight you have school tomorrow."

"Ok. See you later."

We head out the door and I drive to Justin's house. We get out and go inside.

"Hi mom." He says.

"Hey sweetie. Hello Raegan."

"Hi Mrs. Blake how are you?"

"Good thank you."

"We will be upstairs." Justin says.

She nods and we go upstairs. I walk in first and he shuts his door after he comes in.

"Want to watch a scary movie?" He asks.

"You know I don't like theeem." I whine.

"Pleeeease!? I'll be right here."

"Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you."Where stories live. Discover now