Chapter 26 ♾

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Raegan's pov:

I open my eyes and realize today is the day. It could go bad or good. Im hoping it goes good.

I walk into school and go directly to Justin before I go to my locker. I go to him and pick him up. I put him over my shoulder.

"Raaae why?" He laughs.


He hits my back multiple times and keeps laughing. I walk through the halls and go into the bathroom. I shut the door.

"Can you put me down now?" He asks.

"I could but I don't want to."


"Fine *laughs*"

I put him down in front of me and he pretends to be mad. He crosses his arms and turns away from me. I wrap my arms around his waist and push my body against his.

"You're not mad." I whisper.

I kiss his neck and start sucking lightly. He takes my arms away and turns to face me.

"Hey we are friends. Friends don't do this." He said smirking.

"Best friends?" I ask jokingly.

"Nope sorry." He said walking away.

"Just wait until your mine again your not getting anything." I say smiking at him.

He looks at me and squints his eyes like he's mad. He walks out and so do I.


I walk to lunch and see Justin already sitting there. I sit down next to him and he looks at me.


"Hi." I say.

We start talking and laughing.

"Ill be back i'm going to bathroom."

"Okay." He says.

I get up head to the bathroom. On my way, I see Alli sitting in front of the lickers, crying. I go up to her quick and sit next to her. She has her head in her hands.

"Alli? Why are you crying?" I ask.

She shakes her head and cries harder.

"Ok ok. Calm down." I say trying to comfort her.

I try to hug her but she moves away.

"Please talk to me."

"R-rae what d-did I-"

"I don't care what you said Alli I care about you. Please I want to help you I feel like a dick if I don't help you. You deserve someone to help and talk to you." I say.

She still has her head in her hands. Her knees are also against her chest. Wait she hasn't showed me her face.

"S-show me you're face."

She shakes her head and keeps crying.

"Alli now." I say more demanding.

I grab her hands and move them away quick. She looks at me.

"What the fuck?" I raise my voice.

She has a black eye and swollen lip. I just stare at her.

"Who did this to you?"

"N-no one don't worry." She says and gets up. I get up too.

She starts to walk away.


"Y-yea?" She turns to look at me.

"You know I'm trying to helping you because you need it. You need someone to care for you. If you were getting in the way of me and Justin, I wouldn't be trying to help you. But I am trying, so let me please." I say.

I open my arms a little and she runs up to me and hugs me. She cries in my chest as I rub her back.

"M-my mom did this t-to me." She said.

"What? Why?" I say pulling away from the hug a little.

"Because she hates me. She fucking hates me and wants to ruin my life."

"I'm sure that's not it."

"Yes it is. She-"

"Raegan?" Someone says and she gets cut off.

I recognize the voice. I turn around.

"Hey Justin."

"What are you guys doing?" He comes up to us. "And what happened to you?"

"Her mom did this to her." I said and she hugs me again.

Justin looks at me with a face like 'why are you letting ber hug you?' face.

"Jay please I'll meet you in back in lunch."

"No come on. Just come back with me."

"No let me talk to her please."

"Rae your spending too much time with her. Come with me!" He says.

Alli pulls away. "I knew it. I knew I was still getting in the way. Fuck what's wrong with me?" She says and runs away.

I look at Justin with a discusted face. He comes in front of me and wraps his arms around my neck and gets close to my face.

"Come on, come with me." He says and kisses me.

I don't kiss back and back away from him. I walk away mad. He doesn't understand I'm just trying to help her. I don't care if he doesn't care about her but I feel bad. She's going through so much it's not fair.

The bell rings and I go right to my next class.

°End of school day°

I close my locker and was about to go find Alli when Justin walks in front of me.


"What Justin?" I ask annoyed.

"I'm sorry about before." He says.

"I'm just trying to help her Justin. Why are you so jealous?"

"What? I-i'm not....."

I cross my arms and take a deep breath.

"O-ok maybe a little." He admits.

"I already told you, you don't need to be. I'm just trying to be a nice friend and help her. Please don't act stupid, because I'm not going to stop talking and helping her."

He nods and looks down at the ground.

"If you didn't know already," I say and he looks up at me again.

"I'm gay." I say pointing to me like a little kid. "And I love you." I say pointing to myself again and then to him. "Me and Alli, are just friends and that's how it's going to stay forever."

He grins a little and looks back down.

"I love you too." He says in a little cute, baby voice still looking down.

I laugh and lift his chin. I look into his eyes and kiss him. He kisses back pulls away.

"Don't forget, I'm coming over with my dad." He said.

"Aww shit I forgot."

He smiles. "Ill text you when I get home."

I nod. He kisses me again and walks away.

"Alli who?" He yells.

I laugh and shake my head. I get in my car and drive home. It's time.

Hope y'all hoes enjoyed ✌ Plz c+v if you liked this chapter 🤷❤
°Samantha Sarno°

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