Chapter 30 ♾

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Raegan's pov:

The next morning I arrive at school and head inside. I go my locker and then walk to Justin's. I wrap my arms around waist from behind and kiss his neck.

"Hey." I say. He turns around. "Hey handsome." He says and kisses me.

"Is Alli coming today?" He asks.

"No she texted me last night. She's coming tomorrow."

"Oh ok."

We start to walk to first period.


Justin and I sit down and he tells me he's going to use the bathroom. I nod and he leaves. I see be left his phone with his jacket. I decide to take it and post a cute pic on his snap. I do and then I see he got a text. I didn't want to be nosy but I see it was from someone names "Derek" that's it. No emoji or anything. I read the message.

- Hey baby boy how are you?

I read it over and over. I can't process want he just said. Another message popped up.

- Come on love answer these I wanna talk to you about "us"

What the fuck? My eyes got teary as I just kept reading them over and over. A-am I missing? What the hell? Just then his phone and off again.

- Are you still friends with that Raegan kid? I don't trust him. He's trying to steal you from me.

No no no What's going on?! Justin comes back and sits down.

"Hey whatchu doing on my phone." He says giggling a little.

I put his phone down and get up. I run out the lunch room fast and to the bathroom. I get in a stall and and lock it. In this school, the stalls aren't where you can climb under or anything. I start crying and slide down the wall. Why was this kid Derek saying that? Is Justin lying to me? No he wouldn't. I don't think be would.

I hear the door swing open. "Raegan?" A voice says low and sweet. It's justin.

"Baby I know your in here please answer me I can explain."

I keep crying and sniffing. I know he can hear me. There was a knock on the stall door.

"Raegan please let me talk please."

I stand up and try to calm down. I slowly unlock the door and it swings open. Justin stands there looking upset. He pulls my arm so I come out the stall and he hugs me.

"Baby please can I-"

"Don't call me that." I say getting away from him

"Raegan I'm not cheating on you I promise. He's crazy!" He says.

He walks up to me and wipes my tears. "Please just listen." He says. I nod.

"Ok, so this kid Derek that lives in New York, dmed me on Insta one time a long time ago. Before you moved here. We talked forever and got really close. We exchanged numbers and he helped me through some tough times. Not going to lie to you Raegan, we dated, for a month and a half." He paused.

That hurt. His ex is texting him this stuff now. What bullshit is that?

"And we had a good relationship. We even broke the distance. Until it got out of hand."

"W-what do you mean?" I ask.

"He started to get upsessed with me. He texted me everyday. He would say I love you twenty-four seven. I only said I love you once. But, I never really did. Anyway he even flew to come see me one time without telling me and tried really hard to have sex with me. I didn't allow it though. He just got so annoying in clingy so I broke up with him. To this day he still texts me. I just ignore them. I'm sorry I never told you."

"I'm sorry too. I know you would never cheat on me." I say hugging him.

"Never babe. I love you and only you. I feel like this is forever." He says.

I blush and pull away to kiss him. "I love you too. I hope it is."

°End of the day.°

I go to my locker and pull my phone out to text Alli.

Me- Hey are you home from the hospital?

I sent it and waited for a replay. I felt my arm being tugged a little so I turned around and immediately, lips smashed into mine. I kiss back, I know it's justin because of his height. I pull away and my phone goes off.

Alli😊- Yea I am. Do you mind coming over. I want to talk to you for a little.

Me- Yea. What's your address?

"Who's that?" Justin's asks.

"Alli. do you mind if I go over her house to visit her? She's out of the hospital?"

"I guess yea."

I grab his chin and kiss him sweetly. "Thank you babe. You want to come over when I get home?" I ask.

"Yea sure. Text me."

"I will I love you." I say.

"I love you more." He kisses me nose and walks away. He's so freaking cute.

I walk and get in my car. I see Alli texted me back.

Alli😊- 45 ****** lane.
Me- On my way.

That street was a few streets down from my house. Not a walking distance, but not a long car drive. I start driving and it took 10 minutes from the school. I get there and park my car. I go up to her door and knock. She answers and smiles. He's face looked a little pale but I guess that's normal. She pulls in.

"Hey." She says. She hugs me gently and I do the same making sure I don't hurt her. "Hi Alli."

She walks upstairs to her room i'm guessing  and I follow. We walk in and she shuts her door. Her house was nice, her room is even nicer. A big bed, a window seat, a walk in closet it looks like. She sits down on her window seat and I sit in front of her.

"So, first I wanted to apologize." She says.....

Cliffhanger I'm sorry 😩 not sorry 😁 lmao plz c+v I'll update tomorrow!😗
°Samantha Sarno°

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