Chapter 20 ♾

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Raegan's pov:

I slowly walk up to him and stand beside where he was sitting. I sit down and lean my head back against the lockers.

"Justin please-"

"Rae how could you break up with me and still tell me you love me? If you loved me you would have stayed with me." He says still looking down.

"I told you Justin it's different. I didn't break up with you because I don't love you anymore I will always love you. I broke up with you because like I said, my dad is not being himself right now and with me putting you in danger with him- I, I just can't do it." I say to him.

"We can do this together Raegan, Don't-"

"No. No we can't. I can't put the person I love in danger with my own father. But I am going to talk to him tonight. I'm not giving up on you. Your worth all the strength and words I have inside me. I'm sorry if I fail, but I'll try my hardest." I say cutting him off.

I get up and start to walk away.

"Raegan?" I hear.

I stop but don't turn around.


"You'll fight for me?"

"Of course I will."

He pulls my arm so I turn around. I look at him and he leans in to kiss me. It was just a gentle little kiss. We pull away and hold his waist.

"I'll fight for you until I have nothing left in me. So in the end, I don't think I'll lose this fight."

He smiles and hugs me. I hug back and the bell rings. We go to class together. I'm not losing this fight.

°End of the day°

I close my locker and look towards Justin. He turns around and looks at me. We stare at each other across the hall. I walk up to him and hug him.

"I'm not losing this fight for you."

I pull away and kiss him. Holding his neck. He kisses back. I pull away and back up.

"Text me." I say.

He nods and I go outside and jump in my car. I drive home and get inside. I don't see my dad yet. But I see my mom. Maybe I can talk to her. I walk in the kitchen and sit across from her.

"C-can I talk to you?"

"Of course sweety what is it?" She says turning all her attention to me.

"Why won't dad, let me date Justin."

"Because he wants the best for you."

"Separating us was not what's best for me. I love this kid and I-i just can't stand the fact that I can't be with him because of my own father. I'm of enough to make my own decisions....arent I?" I say.

"Yes Raegan but, I can't do anything. I'm sorry this is how it's going to be."

"No. It's not. I will talk and push myself to my limit to talk to dad so he can say I can have Justin. But what's so bad about me loving a boy? He's a person. An amazing person. Why does his gender matter?"

"I don't know Rae let it go!" She raises her voice.

"I'm not just going to let this go are you crazy! You know why dad won't let me date Justin. I know you do, please tell me." I beg her.

"I-i don't know Raegan."

She looks down at her lap and sighs.

"Yes you do. Tell me mom! Please. Don't you trust me? Don't you want me to be happy."

"More than anything but-"

"Then tell me. Because I'm only happy with Justin. Tell me mom. Please."

She looks back up at me with tears in her eyes.

"You want to know why?"

"Yes!" I plead.

"Raegan he was you, when he was your age." She says.

"W-what?" I ask shocked. What does she mean?

"*sighs* Yes. Your father was dating a boy at your age. He was bi."

I looked at her in complete shock. Why did I never know this?

"A-and what happened?"

"Raegan your father is only doing this to you because when he was dating this boy, we were friends at the time. And, he broke up with your dad after a year and a half. Your dad was devastated for months. Id try to go over his house but his mom would say he was upstairs and didnt want to hang out. Raegan he doesn't want the same to happen to you."

"M-mom that won't happen. Justin is the most loving person ever. He started as my best friend. Then we started dating and we have so much in common. We fit perfectly in each other's arms mom." I say.

"Hey like I said, it's not up to me. Why don't you go talk to him. He's upstairs."

I nod.

"Thank you for telling me." I say hugging her.

"Sure hun."

I let go and walk upstairs. I knock my their bedroom door and he let's me in.

"Hey Rae. What's up?"

"Can I talk to you?" I ask.

He nods and let's me in. He shuts his door and I sit on his bed. He sits in a rolly chair and comes in front of me.

"What's up?" He asks.

"M-mom told me, about when you were my age."

"Oh, she did?"

"Yea. And I just wanted to talk to you about it. If you got to know Justin, dad, you would know that neither of us would ever break each other's heart. We are broken up right now but we still love each other dad. I can't take not saying I love you and kissing and hugging the one person I have ever loved in my life." I say my eyes tearing up.

"Rae I understand I just- I don't want you to be heartbroken like I was, I'm only looking out for you." He says.

"I know dad I know and I appreciate it. But please! I came in school today and Justin looked like he hasn't slept in days. He wouldn't talk to me until I went up to him. He wanted to cry whenever he saw me. I hate doing this to him and myself. I love him dad p-please." I say now actually about to cry.

He leans back in his chair and looks up.

"Rae I don't know."

"I promise nothing will happen. I'm okay."

"Can you wait a little while at least?"

"What is it going to take for me to have Justin dad I'll do anything." I say now yelling through my tears.

"Wait a little while please." He says sounding serious.

I get up and run out of the room. I slam my bedroom door and fall back on my bed crying. What is so bad about me dating Justin. I don't understand.

Hope you enjoyed! Plz c+v if you liked it ❤❤
°Samantha Sarno°

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