Chapter 27 ♾

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Raegan's pov:

I got home and went inside. My dad was sitting on the couch. Here we go.

"Hi dad can you do me a favor?"

"What is it?" He asks.

"Just, stay in the kitchen for a little while."

"Ok." He says confused.

He gets up and we go to the kitchen.  He goes in and sits down.

"Oh, and you love me right?" I ask.

"Of course."

"Ok good. Wait here."

"You're scaring me."

"Just stay here please."

He nods.

I go in the sitting room and text justin.

Me- come on over. My dad's in the kitchen.
Jay❤🤷- Ok be there in 5.

I wait a few minutes in the sitting room. Then I go outside so my dad won't hear them knock in the door. They pull in the driveway and both get out. Justin comes up to me and hugs me. I hug back and look at David.

"Hi Mr. Blake." I say.

"Hi R-raegan." He says.

"Nervous dad?" Justin asks him.

"Well yea. I know he doesnt know i'm here. And it's been about 25 years since I've seen him."

I nod. We go inside and I shut the door. I take a deep breath and look at David. He nods but looks so scared. Me and justin walk behind him as he walks in view of my dad. He stands in the doorway of the kitchen. My dad looks up and has the most shocked face on I've ever seen. He gets up.

"J-john?" David says. *I don't know Rae's dad's name 😂*

My dad backs up and stops when he gets to the counter.

"David?" He says.

David sits down and I see my dad calm down a little. Their eyes down leave each other's as my dad sits across from him. My dad's eyes get teary. Me and justin move out of sight but we can still hear perfectly.

(I'm going to do their convo differently then I've been doing it. D-david. J-john.)

J- wow. It's been a while.

D- Yea. It has. How have you been?

J- uhh good I guess. You?

D- good. Listen dave I never meant to hurt you. I never wanted to break your heart. I just need to get that out of the way.

J- why did you then?

D- well, it was exactly like what's going on between our sons right now.

Me and justin looked at each other and felt bad. We never knew that.

D- my father forced me to break up with you. And I lost contact with you because I couldn't take it. I hated myself for breaking your heart. I'm sorry.

J- why are you telling me this?

D- Well, one because I really am sorry and I wanted to get that off my chest. And two, after telling you that, imagine how my son feels that Raegan had to break his heart.

J- well, it's different when I hear the story.

I take Jays hand and bring us into sight of them.

"So, can we be together?" I ask anxious.

"I mean, as long as you two are happy, I'll allow you two to date."

As he says that I pick Justin up in a hug. He wraps his legs around my waist and we hold each other like it's our last minutes to live.

"I love you." I mummbled.

"I love you too Rae." He said.

We let go and looked at our dad's.

"We love you guys. I'm happy for you." David said.

"Me too." My dad said.

"Thank you." I say.

"We both love you guys too." Justin says.

I see my dad get up and walk over to David. David stands up and they hug. Aww. This is nice to see.

"I'll talk to you." David says.

"Yea. Definitly."

David comes over to us.

"Can Justin sleep over?" I ask.

"I'm okay with it. John?"

"Yea why not. Keep the noise down though." My dad says.

"Daaad." I whine.

They both laugh and David says bye to  Justin and leaves.

"See you later dad. I love you."

"I love you too Rae."

We were about to walk upstairs...

"Raegan?" He asks.


"Thank you both. I needed that." He said.


Me and justin go upstairs and stay in my room. We lay down and he starts kissing me. I kiss back and he gets on top of me. I put my hands on his back so his body is touching mine. I hold his hips as his hands run though my hair. He pulls away and goes down to my neck. He goes rough and sucks hard. It hurt a little but felt good. His hands slowly went down and and tugged my my pants. He unattached his lips from my neck and went back up to my lips.

I pulled away after a few minutes.

"Hey hey my dad said no noise do you listen? *laughs*" I say.

"No fair."

He whines and puts his head on my shoulder. He lays down so his whole body is on mine.

"Your dad should go out." He says.


He laughs and leans up to look at me.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you too." I say back.

"You're so cute."

"Me? Nahhh."

"Yeees." He says and kisses me.

"Are you tired?" I ask.


"I'm going to shower quick. Okay?"

"Hurry I wanna sleep with you next to  me." He whined.

"Ok I'll hurry."

I grab a towel and go into the bathroom. I take a quick shower and go back to my bedroom. I saw Justin sleeping cuddling a pillow. I laughed and went over to the bed. I removed the pillow and replaced myself. I kissed his forehead.

"I love you." I whisper.

"I love you too." He whispered back.

We fell sleep almost instantly.

Sorry I've kind of been lacking, school and sports are stressing me out but hope you enjoyed 😋 plz c+v ❤
°Samantha Sarno°

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