~ Chapter 14 ~

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"But, it's too early!" Cal exclaimed. I was just in shock. I didn't know what to do. I just kind of stood there and panicked.

"I know! Cal, I'm scared." I cried. He picked me up bridal style.

"I'm taking you to the hospital." He ran out the door and carried me to the car. He lay me down on the backseat and drove as quick as he could to the hospital. Like most movies, we got stuck in traffic.

"Come on. Please. I'm scared." I sobbed.

"Shhh. We're almost there. I'd better call Brendon." He said. He hooked up his phone to the car and dialed Brendon's number.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Hi. It's Cal. Alexis' waters have broken so we are on the was to the hospital." He said.

"Wait, hold up. Her waters have broken? But, it's too early." He said shakily.

"We're on our way to the hospital." He repeated.

"I'll be right there. Don't worry." And with that, he hung up the phone. I started crying and the traffic moved along. Cal drove as quickly, and as safely, as he could. As soon as we parked up the car, he rushed out and picked me up bridal style and ran me into the front desk.

"My friend is 7 months pregnant and her waters have broken." He panted.

"Okay sir. Grab a wheelchair and we will be right round." She said calmly. Cal sat me down on one of those metal seats and went into the foyer for a wheelchair. He came back with one and Brendon and Sarah appeared. Brendon and Cal helped me into the wheelchair. The doctor appeared and Cal wheeled me through, closely following the doctor. We were put into a room in the maternity ward. It was quite big.

"Did you grab my hospital bag?" I asked.

"It's been in the back of the car for 1 month." Cal laughed. I got out of the wheelchair and carefully climbed onto the bed. One side of the bed was occupied by Brendon and Sarah and the other was occupied by Cal. The doctor came over to talk to us.

"Now, you are 7 months pregnant, is that correct?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'm around 34 weeks pregnant." I nodded.

"Due to you being this early on and your waters breaking, we may have to perform a C-Section. That is where instead of birthing naturally, you will give birth by operation." The doctor explained. Just then, I felt a twinge in my lower stomach but it eventually passed. The doctor hooked me up to a machine to monitor the baby and the contractions. He wrapped this thing around my stomach. It felt weird at first but I got I used to it. Then, I felt another twinge and I started crying.

"Please make it stop. It's too early." I cried.

"No can do. Your waters have broken so it's physically impossible." The doctor told me, this made me cry even more. Cal hugged me. The doctor shortly left the room.

"This is all my fault." He said.

"I shouldn't have gone in." I sobbed.

"What's going on?" Brendon asked. That's when we explained everything to him. There was silence in the room.

"Look, I'm really sorry..." Cal started, breaking the silence.

"So you mean to tell me, your psycho ex pushed Alexis down the stairs and it made her go into early labour? How dare you! The baby may not make it out alive and it's all because of you?!" Brendon raised his voice.

"Bren, calm down." Sarah interjected.

"No Sarah. He shouldn't be here." Brendon said. Cal got up and went to go outside.

"Please. I am the one who is going through this. Jesus Christ, just grow up!" I yelled. The room went silent. I then got another bad pain, but this time it was worse. I screamed and they both stopped arguing and went over to see if I was okay.

"Are you okay?" Brendon asked. I then let all of my emotions out in the form of tears.

"I can't take it. The baby is too early. Please. Make it stop." I cried. All three of them pulled me into a hug.

"Alexis, it's okay. The baby will be fine." Sarah told me reassuringly.

"How do you know? I just can't." I sobbed. As if on cue, the doctor and the midwife walked into the room.

"We have looked at your condition and you will be having a cesarean." The doctor explained.

"Can't you make it stop?" I asked.

"I'm afraid we can't as your waters have broken." He told us.

"We are just going to prep you for surgery." The midwife told us. She put a cannula in my hand and an epidural in my lower back.

"Who is the father?" She asked.

"I am." Brendon raised his arm slightly. She grave him some scrubs to change into.

"Would you like to be awake?" She asked.

"Y-yeah." I said nervously. "I'm scared."

"There is no need to be. You are under great care." She smiled.

"It's time to go now. Is the father ready?" The doctor asked. Brendon walked out in what looked like a plastic bag.

"Good luck." Sarah and Cal called as I was wheeled into the surgery room. Brendon held my hand on the way there.

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