~ Chapter 17 ~

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I rolled over and looked at the clock. 3:23. I sighed and as if on cue, Phoenix started crying. I groaned and threw myself out of bed and trudged across the hallway to get to her room. I gently opened the door and went over to her.

"Shushh it's okay Phoenix." I said in a hushed voice. I carefully picked up her frail body and bounced her lightly. The screaming died down, eventually. I rocked her back and forth before putting her sleeping body back into her crib. I kissed her lightly on the forehead and walked out of her room, closing her door behind me. I went back into my bed and cuddled up to the covers but there was one problem. I could not get back to bed. I put on the TV for a bit. I flicked through the channels; Crappy movies, old reruns of TV shows, documentaries. I found a rerun of Fresh Prince Of Bel Air. I put that on and attempted to go back to sleep. That didn't work. I debated on whether to text Cal but I didn't want to wake him up. I rolled over and looked at the time. 4:37. I shut my eyes and tried my best to get to sleep and eventually it worked.


"What do you think we should do about a picture? Should we put a picture of her online?" Brendon asked as I held Phoenix close to my chest.

"I don't mind. We'll obviously not spam the internet with pictures of her. If you wanted to, you could do it now. I don't mind. They're going to see her eventually." I told him. He nodded in agreement.

"Yeah okay." He replied. I picked up Phoenix and put her on her play mat for tummy time. It apparently helps with their development or something. Me and Brendon snapped a quick picture of her. She was dressed a baby pink baby grow and she had white tights and and Tutu. She also had a little bow on her head.

"Do you like this one?" I asked Brendon, showing him the picture.

"Yeah. She looks adorable. What about this one?" Brendon showed me his picture.

"Definitely post that one. The fans will melt." I said. I posted my picture with the caption "Meet Phoenix Amber Grace Urie 😍 my beautiful baby girl !" and I tagged Brendon in the picture. Brendon posted his. The caption was "Phoenix Amber Grace Urie. She makes my heart melt 💕" and tagged me in it. I looked down at Phoenix who was smiling.

"Brendon look!" I squealed. He loomed around and smiled when he saw her.

"She's actually smiling!" He grinned. His phone beeped to say he had a text. "That's Sarah. I need to go but I'll be back."

"Don't worry. Take as long as you want. I'm fine and I'll call you if anything happens." I told him.

"Okay." He nodded. He went over to Phoenix and carefully kissed her little forehead and left the house. I picked up Phoenix and gave her a feeding. I then changed her diaper and put her down for a nap. When I had gotten her to sleep, I texted Cal.

Me: Hi. Are you busy ? X

Cal: Nope. Why? X

Me: Do you want to come over to mine ? X

Cal: Yeah sure. I'll be there in 10 x

I smiled and then locked my phone. I grabbed some snack from the cupboards and put them into bowls. I had a quick tidy up around the house, putting away some baby equipment and sorting out the couch. I heard a knock at the door as I was sorting out the last couch cushion. I opened the door and Cal was stood there with 2 drinks in his hand and a carrier bag in the other.

"Come in." I smiled. He smiled back and I moved so that he could actually come in.

"Thank you. I bought your favorite coffee and your favourite muffin." He smiled.

"Triple chocolate with smarties and cherries?" I asked, smiling like an absolute idiot.

"Obviously. I still remember, you see." He laughed.

"Thank you so much! You didn't have to." I told him.

"I did." He said, setting his stuff down. I pout the snacks on the coffee table and he out the drinks and muffins on there too. He opened the carrier bag and pulled out a toy phoenix that was red, orange and yellow. "This is for Phoenix, obviously. Is it her nap time?" He asked.

"Yeah. She should be waking up soon anyway." I explained.

"I've left something in my car. Do you mind if I went back out to get it?" He asked.

"Of course I don't mind. Go ahead." I said, giggling. He left the house and went to his car. He came back moments later with a huge bouquet of flowers. It was all my favorites. Mainly roses, Chrysanthemums, pansies.

"These are for you." He smiled, handing them to me.

"Oh my goodness! These are beautiful Cal! Thank you." I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. I went into the kitchen to find a vase and I put water in it. I placed the flowers in it and out it on the mantle piece. I walked over to Cal, blushing hard. He smiled at me. He grabbed my hands.

"Alexis, you are my best friend. I know this is probably the least romantic place to do this and at the most awkward time, seeing as you have just had a baby and all, but I've had a crush on you for years. I've been meaning to do this since 9th Grade but I guess I was too shy. Will you go on a date with me?" He asked.

Rock stars' baby ~ Brendon Urie Where stories live. Discover now