~ Chapter 29 ~

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{I'm doing a time skip to when they are back off holiday as I have no ideas of what to write about the holiday and I need to keep it interesting.}

Now that we were back from our lovely holiday in Hawaii, it meant that I can get back on track with my career. My band and I were making a new album as our debut sold really well. I was heading down to the studio with Phoenix today so we could discuss what was going on. As Phoenix was now 5 months old, she was beginning to be more aware and more needy. I would've asked Brendon and Sarah to have her but Brendon was busy and Sarah was visiting her parents. Cal was also busy with work so I had no other choice but to bring her with me. I strolled into the office block where we were having the meeting and saw Evie at the reception desk.

"Hey Evie!" I greeted. She turned around and ran over to me.

"Alexis!! I've missed you!!" She exclaimed. She gave me a big hug.

"I've missed you too!" I p exclaimed. She pulled away and took a look at Phoenix who was looking up at us.

"She's grown so much!" She almost yelled.

"Yeah, she has. She's 5 months old now." I said.

"Really?" She asked.

"Yeah! Little monster." I tickled Phoenix's belly and she started laughing.

"Ah. She's a giggler." Evie laughed.

"Yeah. She doesn't stop!" I laughed. We walked into the room where we were meeting with the other girls, Amethyst, Skyla and Kirsten.

"Hey girls! Look who I found!" Evie cheered as we walked into the room where everyone was sat.

"ALEXIS!" All 3 of them squealed. They all ran over to me and engulfed me in a !massive bear hug.

"Hey. I kind of can't breath right now." I said as they were crushing me. We all pulled apart and I picked Phoenix up out of her pram and held her.

"Is that Phoenix?" Kirsten squealed.

"Oh my goodness! Hasn't she grown?" Amethyst cooed.

"How old is she now?" Skyla asked.

"She's 5 months old today!" I told them.

"Wow. Hello Phoenix! I'm your Auntie Kirsten!" Kirsten said to her in a baby voice. She started squealing because she absolutely loved attention.

"She loves attention. She's so spoiled!" I chuckled.

"She's gonna be. She is so beautiful!" Amethyst replied.

"Guys! I know that Phoenix is very exciting but we need to get stuff done." Evie explained. I put Phoenix back in her pram and sat down on a chair.

"Right. What's the plan then?" I asked

We all eventually agreed that the next single would be a song called Mr Ignorant. We were to record it that day but Evie and Amethyst got called out so we couldn't. I went home and just relaxed. I changed into some sweatpants and a loose top. I put Phoenix on her stomach and gave her a few toys. I did a quick clean in the living room and kitchen. I checked the time and it was 6:30. It was time for Phoenix to go to bed so I scooped her up, gave her a feed and changed her into a onesie. I carefully laid her down and tucked her into her crib. Once she had gone to sleep, I went downstairs and as I was hungry, I went to make myself some food. Just as I was about to, I heard my text alert go off. It was Cal.

Cal <3: I've just come off work. Can I come round? I'll bring food xx
Me: Sure. I've just put Phoenix down for bed and I'm starving. What food are you bringing? Xx
Cal <3: Probably McDonald's. Is that alright? Xx
Me: God, you're a life saver! Xx
Cal <3: I'll be over soon. What do you want me to get for you? Xx
Me: Crispy chicken and bacon barbeque wrap meal please. Xx
Cal <3: What drink? Xx
Me: I have soda at home. It'll save you money xx
Cal <3: Okie Dokie xx

About 45 minutes later, I heard the door knock so I went to open it. I was greeted with Cal with 2 bags of McDonald's in his hands.

"Madam." He bowed jokingly.

"Well hello, good sir. What brings you here today?" I replied in a fake posh accent.

"A damsel in distress texted and said she was hungry." He said. I let him into the house we went into the living room. He gave me a hug and then kissed me. I hugged back and then went into the kitchen.

"Do you want a drink or anything?" I asked.

"Do you have any soda?" He asked. I went through the cupboards and the fridge and I found some.

"Yeah. I have Coca Cola, Lemonade, Iron Bru, Grape Soda, Watermelon Soda, Appletiser.." I reeled off.

"Can I have a Coca Cola please?" He asked.

"Sure thing." I replied. I grabbed a Coca Cola for Cal and a Grape Soda for me. I sat on the couch next to him and he had laid out the meal for us. I switched on the TV and put on Sherlock.

Once we had finished our food, it was quite late. We had discarded all our trash and we were now cuddled up on the couch.

"Its quite late." Cal stated.

"Stay over if you want to." I suggested.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Positive." I smiled. He kissed me on the lips and it soon led to a passionate one. He moved on to my neck and sucked on it gently and then quite roughly. I let put a little moan before realising what was going on. "Babe. Phoenix is upstairs." I whispered.

"She won't be able to hear. Will she?" He asked.

"I guess not, if we do it down here." I said seductively. I grabbed him closer and kissed him roughly. "Wait!"

"What?" He asked.

"Do you have a condom?" I asked.

"Yep. In my wallet pocket." He said. We resumed what we were doing......

Rock stars' baby ~ Brendon Urie Where stories live. Discover now