~ Chapter 35 ~

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It was a couple of days before Halloween so me and Cal decorated the house! It was exciting because every time Phoenix saw a fake cobweb or plastic spider, she would get so excited. I think she wanted to help put up decorations so we held her up to stick a spider on the wall and she was so pleased with herself. Me and Cal finished decorating the house whilst we occupied Phoenix with her favourite toy, the Phoenix Cal had got her when she was born. Once we had actually finished the decorated, we took a few photos for Instagram and twitter and went inside. I posted a picture which had the caption 'Not bad for a first go ;)'. I instantly got hundreds of comments and thousands of likes.


The next day I went out to get some more candy for the trick or treater's to have, just in case we ran out. I brought Phoenix with me so me and her could have a day together. When we were out, a couple of fans asked for pictures and the paparazzi was following us with cameras. I managed to get into a store so they couldn't get anymore photos. When I was in the store, I ran into Brendon who was with Pete from Fall Out Boy.

"Hey. I didn't expect to see you here." Brendon chuckled.

"Haha. I had to run into somewhere because I was being bombarded with paps. It's pretty bad out there, to be honest." I said.

"I don't think we've met. Hi, I'm Pete." Pete smiled.

"I'm Alexis. I'm a huge fan of your work. I'm literally fangirling on the inside right now. Sorry if that's weird for you." I said.

"Don't worry about it. I get it a lot. I like you're music too." He smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled back.

"This must be Phoenix?" He asked, peering into the pram.

"Aha it is. She's 7 months old now." I told him.

"She's adorable. She definitely has Brendon's eyes." He smiled. Wow, he smiled a lot.

"She does." I said.

"Are you doing anything for Halloween?" Brendon asked.

"Yeah. Me and Cal are going trick or treating with Phoenix. What about you?" I asked.

"Oh nothing." He said.

"You and Sarah can come with us, if you want to. You are her dad after all." I asked him.

"That'd be fun. Are you dressing up?" He asked.

"Yeah. We're going as vampires. I managed to convince Cal to dress up too, I don't know how I did that." I laughed.

"Well, we'd best be going. See you in a few days!" Brendon said.

"Okay bye! It was lovely to meet you, Pete." I said.

"It was lovely to meet you too." He smiled. What is of with the smiling? We waved goodbye and they left. I grabbed some candy and went home. When I got home, I noticed that Cal wasn't on the sofa. He was supposed to be home from work so him not being about was pretty weird.

"Cal? I'm home!" I called through the house. Nothing. That was weird. I looked around for him and I stopped when I saw a note on the TV. It read:

Dear Alexis,
I'm going out for drinks with some friends after work so I don't know when I'll be back. Don't wait up for me.
See you later,

That note was really weird. He didn't put any kisses and it's not like him to go out straight after work. I shrugged it off and I gave Phoenix a bottle. After that, I changed her diaper and got her ready for bed. I got myself some food and sat, alone, at my breakfast bar. I kept thinking about the note that Cal left me. Something didn't add up about it. I didn't know what but it was just something. After I had eaten, I went to bed and tried to get to sleep but I couldn't. Many thoughts were floating around my head. I managed to get to sleep in the end. I still had this gut feeling that something was wrong and it made me feel sick.


I heard a loud bang and my eyes flashed open. It was 3:25am. What was that? I got up slowly and picked up the baseball bat that I kept by the side of me bed and cautiously walked over to the door. I heard another bang. I leapt out of the door and instantly ran into Phoenix's bedroom. Her door was wide open. I flicked the light on and she wasn't in her crib. I gasped loudly. I ran around looked around her room. She was no where to be seen. I ran downstairs and the front door was wide open. Without even thinking about what I was wearing, I darted out of the house and ran to Brendon and Sarah's house, my eyes flowing with tears. I banged and banged on the door. I just couldn't stop. A sleepy looking, shirtless Brendon answered the door and his eyes filled with concern.

"Alexis, it's 3:45. What is- Are you okay?" He asked.

"No...... Phoenix is gone." I cried.

"WHAT?!" He yelled, causing Sarah to come downstairs.

"I heard a bang and-and her door was open and so was the front door." I cried even harder.

"What happened?" Sarah asked sleepily whilst wrapping a dressing gown around her slim body.

"Phoenix has been kidnapped we think." Brendon explained, his eyes pooling with tears.

"Oh my god. Well, come in. I'll call the police." Sarah ushered me inside. I just broke down on the couch.

"It's all my fault." I cried.

"Where's Cal?" Brendon asked.

"He said he was going pout for drinks. I had this gut feeling that something was wrong." I said.

"Hello. Police please. My step daughter has been kidnapped."

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