~ Chapter 27 ~

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I was awoken the next day by the sound of Phoenix crying. I looked over at the alarm clock and of read 6:30am so I groaned and rolled out of bed. It then hit me that I had slept all night and so had Phoenix. I walked over to her crib.

"Hello Phoenix!" I cooed. Phoenix probably had a dirty diaper so the first thing I did was change it to a fresh one. I then went to give her a feed. I put her in position and let her do her thing. There was then a knock at the door. I covered Phoenix with a blanket and walked over to the door. I opened it and saw a tired looking Cal.

"Sorry. I left my key card in here again and you kind of locked the door." He ran his hand through his hair. I face palmed.

"Cal! I'm so so sorry! I didn't mean to! You should've knocked or called me!" I apologised.

"I did. You went to sleep, I could hear you snoring." He said. I let him in.

"Babe. I'm so sorry." I said. Phoenix unlatched so I cleaned her up and snuggled her to my chest and bounced her up and down gently.

"Don't worry about it. I slept on Sarah and Brendon's couch in their room." Cal said.

"How are they?" I asked nervously.

"Sarah is a bit pissed off at Brendon but she's fine. However, Brendon is upset at himself." He told me.

"Oh. Okay. I need to talk to him." I said.

"Yeah, we need to clear the air." He said.

"This has been the worst holiday. It's ruined for Phoenix." I said.

"Alexis, she doesn't know what's going on." He pointed out. She was currently chewing on my shirt so I gave her a teething ring and positioned her on my bed, in between the pillows.

"Look, I need to sort this thing out with Brendon." I said.

"I can go and get him to come here, if you want." He suggested.

"I don't want to be a burden to you." I told him.

"You won't. I'll go get him now. I'll be right back." He said. He left the room and I turned to Phoenix. She threw her teething ring at me and started to giggle. I laughed at her and gave it back to her. She looked fascinated with them. Cal then returned with a guilty and sad looking Brendon.

"Hi." Brendon mumbled as he was walking into the room.

"I'm going down the shop, do you or Phoenix need anything?" He asked.

"Diapers, wipes. Do you mind getting us breakfast too?" I asked.

"Sure babe," he smiled. He walked over to me and gave me a quick peck on the lips. "See you in a bit." He then left me and Brendon alone.

"So..." I said.

"Alexis I'm really sorry. I don't know what came over me; I was just angry and I didn't mean to snap at you." He said, staring at his hands.

"It's fine, honestly. Yes, it upset me at the time but I'm over it. I hope you know that I would never stop you seeing Phoenix." I explained.

"I know. Like I say, I'm really sorry." He said.

"No need to apologise. Can we call a truce?" I asked. I held my hand out, awaiting a response.

"Truce." He smiled and we shook hands. I picked up Phoenix and handed her to Brendon.

"She threw her teething ring at me earlier." I laughed.

"Did she now?" He asked in a baby voice. She started smiling and grabbed at his face as he pulled funny faces.

"Do you want to go shopping tomorrow or hang at the beach?" I asked.

"We could do both. Should we all go to dinner later?" He asked.

"Sounds great. Me and Cal were thinking of going to the beach today actually." I told him. "We'll probably bring a picnic."

"Sounds fun." He said. Cal then walked in with a few carrier bags.

"Have you kids made up then?" Cal asked.

"We have, sir." I laughed. He put down the shopping bags and started unloading the groceries.

"Good. I've got lunch for everyone for the picnic later. I've also got breakfast and drinks and snacks." He said. Brendon stood up.

"I'd best be going now. Sarah will probably be wondering where I am." He said. He sat Phoenix on my lap and waved goodbye.

"What did you get us for breakfast?" I asked.

"Well, I got some pancakes and bacon and maple syrup. And sausages." He reeled off and my mouth was watering.

"Sounds delish." I said. As if on cue, my stomach grumbled.

"Someone's hungry. I'll start cooking now." He started laughing.

"Thank you. I love you so much, you know that right?" I asked. I sat Phoenix in her previous position on the bed and went into the kitchen area where Cal was.

"I do. And I love you, more than anyone else could." He said. I nuzzled into his chest.

"You are the best." I mumbled.

"I know." He laughed. It didn't take to long to cook so it was done quite quickly. Cal plated up and we sat down at the dinner table. I brought Phoenix over and sat her in the pram.

"Oh. My. Actual. God. This is amazing!" I complimented as I had another mouthful of pancake.

"Thank you. I'm glad you like it. To be honest, it does taste pretty good if I do say so myself." He said. I dipped my little finger in the syrup and offered it to Phoenix. She stared at it in confusion before she started sucking on my finger. She seemed to really like it because every time I had a forkful, she made grabby hands and whined.

"I think someone likes syrup." I joked. I dipped my finger in it once again and let her have it. She started clapping and then she was quiet.

"I think she does." Cal smiled. Once we had finished, we washed the dishes.

"We need to get ready for later." I said.

Rock stars' baby ~ Brendon Urie Where stories live. Discover now