~ Chapter 19 ~

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"So, you put her to bed at 6:30 with a warm bottle. I've packed some just in case she needs more or something goes wrong. If she starts fussing, check her nappy and cuddle her." I instructed Brendon.

"Heard you loud and clear, Ma'am." He saluted. I was just dropping Phoenix off at Brendon's as I had that date with Cal. I handed him the diaper bag and the stroller.

"This is all you need. Call me of you don't know what to do about something or something happens." I told him.

"Okay. I'll be fine though." Brendon reassured. I nodded and picked up my handbag.

"I'll be at home for a bit, getting ready. Are you sure you'll be okay?" I asked him. I was quite nervous. Since she was born, I haven't been separated from her.

"Alexis, I'm sure I'll be fine. I promise I'll call you or text you if anything bad happens. Go and have a good night." He smiled.

"Thank you!" I smiled back. I kissed Phoenix on her forehead. I waved goodbye to her and Brendon. I made my way back to my house. Thankfully, my house wasn't that far from Brendon's so it didn't take me too long to get home. I went into my house and kicked off my shoes. I ran upstairs. I checked the time. It was 4pm. I had 4 hours to get ready. I went to my room and raided the wardrobe for tonights outfit. I eventually found the perfect outfit. It was a cocktail style dress with long sleeves. It was black but it was sparkly. It was so cute! I picked out a pair of black heels that had a bow on them.

 It was so cute! I picked out a pair of black heels that had a bow on them

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Happy with my outfit choice, I jumped into the shower and had a nice, long soak

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Happy with my outfit choice, I jumped into the shower and had a nice, long soak. I washed my hair and body and jumped out. I dried myself off and pulled on a dressing gown. I sat down at my vanity table and towel dried my hair and then blow dried it. I straightened it and smiled. I put on some sparkly champagne eye shadow and some liquid eye liner. I put on some mascara. I put some powder on my face and some highlighter. I also put on a red lipstick. I looked at myself and smiled. I actually looked nice. I checked my phone and it was 7:30pm. He was coming at 8pm so I pulled on my dress and patted myself down. I picked up a clutch bag that matched my outfit and put some money in, my phone and some mints. I brought it downstairs and put on my heels. I waited for Cal to knock on the door. As of on cue, the door knocked. I got up and answered it and it was Cal.

"Hey!" I greeted. He looked at me and smiled.

"Wow. You look amazing!" He complimented. I blushed.

"Thank you." I looked him up and down. He was wearing a tuxedo. "You don't look too bad yourself."

"Why thank you. Are you ready to go?" He asked.

"Yep. Let me just grab my keys." I said. I grabbed my keys and left the house. I locked my door and then locked the gate. I put my keys in my bag and I saw that Cal was holding the door open for me.

"M'lady. Your carriage awaits." He said in a posh British voice.

"And they said Chivalry was dead." I blushed.


"So. What are you getting?" I asked him, glancing up and down the menu.

"I'm not sure. Have you spotted anything?" He asked. I looked back up and down the menu.

"No. Nothing is jumping out at me." I shrugged.

"I might have the cheesy carbonara." He told me.

"I think I might have the lemon salmon with peas." I told him.

"That sounds good." He said. "What are you having to drink?" He asked.

"I might have a water." I said.

"Have a glass of champagne. You don't have to have water." He told me.

"Now that I'm a mom, I don't want to be drinking a lot. I think I'll just stick to water." I told him.

"I respect your decision. I too will have a water." He smiled.

"All we need now is a waiter." I said. Cal waved his arm up into the air and a waiter came over to the both of us.

"Hello. What would you like to order, this evening?" He said in a strong, French accent. He turned to serve Cal first.

"Could I please have a glass of water to drink? And to eat, may I have the cheesy carbonara?" Cal asked.

"Certainly. And for the lady?" The waiter brought his attention to me.

"Could I also please have a glass of water? And for food, can I please have the lemon fish with peas." I said, closing the menu.

"I will be back with your drinks soon." The waiter nodded and walked away. He came back with a jug of water and two wine glasses. He also brought a big bowl of ice. We thanked him and he went back into the kitchen.

"It's really posh here. I don't feel like I fit in." I giggled.

"It's a treat." He giggled back.


"Oh my goodness! That meal was amazing!" I complimented as we walked back to his car. "Thank you."

"It's not a problem. I'm glad you enjoyed it." He said. He unlocked the car doors and we both got inside.

"I did. Did you?" I asked.

"I did. Thank you for making it special." He said, with a twinkle in his eye. I smiled at him and he drove home. That drive home included random questions and singing extremely loudly to many weird songs. When he pulled up to my house, we both got out of the car.

"Thank you for tonight. I really enjoyed it." I smiled. He smiled back.

"You are most certainly welcome." He looked into my eyes and took my hands in his. We both leaned in closer to each other until our lips met. He kissed me and I didn't hesitate to kiss back. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he deepened the kiss. When we finally pulled away, we said goodbye to reach other. I went into my house and couldn't keep a grin off my face. I picked up my phone and dialled a number.

"Evie. You'll never guess what just happened!"

Rock stars' baby ~ Brendon Urie Where stories live. Discover now